DOI: 10.36871/
UDC 636.32 / .38.082.3


N. I. Kravchenko
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Honored Worker of Science of the Kuban, Chief Researcher, Department of breeding and genetics of agricultural animals, Krasnodar Research Centre for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Krasnodar, Russian Federation


The paper provides a comparative assessment of the productivity of multiparous sheep of a new genotype with animals of the original breeds in order to show the possibility of converting domestic sheep breeding from a loss-making industry to a profitable one. The superiority of the new genotype over peers of fine-wool breed is: for the production of lamb in live weight of 74–83% to (40–45 kg per initial sheep, 71–74,5 kg per ewe), slaughter weight 20% and profitability 104–117 absolute percentages (up to +165, +178%) due to an increase in multiple pregnancy by 58,1–62,4% (1,85–1,90 lambs from one ewe).


sheep, merino, Romanov breed, multiple birth, mutton production, carcass weight, profitability.