DOI: 10.36871/
UDC 636.4: 636.018


R. A. Faizullin
Candidate of Agricultural Science, a Leading Scientific Worker, Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences, Izhevsk, Russian Federation
M. R. Saifutdinov
Research Worker, Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences, Izhevsk, Russian Federation


The duration of gestation is one of the important characteristics of pigs, which affects on the live mass young animal under birth, the him postembryonic development and him future productivity, in particular on the early maturity and the spending of feeds.
The aim of the researches was to study the influenceof the duration of gestation of sows on the growth, development and preservation of suckling piglets. The researches were contacted on the basis of the economy of LLC «Russia» of the Mozhginsky district of the Udmurt Republic. For conduct researches the method of the analogs was formed 110,08 groups of the sucking sows of large white breed. In the first group of sows the average duration of gestation was 115,16 days, and in the second group of sows – 36 days. The age of the sows was 4 months, and the number of farrow was 12. The number of the sows in the groups was 30 and 115,16 heads; respectively. In the results conducted researches was established that young animals obtained from the sows with duration of gestation – 110,08 days authentically exceeded peers born from sows with duration of gestation – 6,40 days on the live mass under birth – by 30%, live mass under weaning in the 5,91 days – by 5,85%, average daily gain – by 18,84% and the preservation of piglets – by XNUMX%.


the sows, the gestation, the piglets, the suckling period, the live mass of a piglet, the average daily gain, the preservation, the biometrics analysis.