DOI: 10.36871/
UDC 636.934.572


N. N. Shumilina
Doctor of Аgricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department of Small Animal Husbandry, Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin, Moscow, Russian Federation
E. E. Larina
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Small Animal Husbandry, Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin, Moscow, Russian Federation


The pride of Russia has always been sable. Sable is unique not only in the quality of its fur, but also in the fact that almost the entire range of its habitat is located on the territory of our country. It was in our country that this animal was first bred in captivity. In this regard, Russia has long had a monopoly on the production of sable skins. In 1969, the black sable breed was approved, and in 1998, the «Saltykov» type of sable was approved. JSC «Saltykovsky Breeding farm» has created a unique herd of dark Sables with evenly spaced gray hair, the skins of which are valued at auctions by 10–30% more expensive [50]. The article presents the results of a comparative assessment of the productive qualities of Sables without gray hair and with different degrees of gray created in JSC «Plemzverosovkhoz » Saltykovsky» livestock. As a result of the analysis, it was found that Sables with gray hair have higher bonitirovki scores (more than 50%). Analyzing the indicators of bonitirovki in males and females with different degrees of gray hair, it was found that the quality of pubescence and color of males with bright gray hair is significantly superior to individuals without gray hair, the same trend is observed in females. In addition, a positive correlation was found (0,79) between the weight of skins in grams, their length and area both in Sables without gray hair, and in individuals with different degrees of gray hair. The most common defect on skins without gray hair is soaking.


sable, females, males, degree of gray hair, bonitirovka, skins, size, defects.