DOI: 10.26155/
UDC 636.294: 658.155.3 (571.15)


Е. V. Tishkova
Altai Federal Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnology, Department «All-Russian Research Institute of Antlers Deer Breeding» (State University of FANTA the Division of Fire Prevention), Barnaul, Russian Federation


Тhe shape of the crown as one of the indicators (parameters) is introduced into the methodology for evaluating antlers, which affects demand and, accordingly, the price. The assessment and distinctive features in the morphological structure of the top of antlers were determined for 1884 pairs of antlers. In addition to the three main types of antlers, the presence of other forms of antler crowns is noted. The percentage distribution by form is uneven the main (fork-, shovel-, goblet-shaped) accounts for 82–85% in LLC «Kaimskoe «and OS»Novotalitskoe». The percentage of highly productive antlers in OS «Novotalitskoe» – 1,2%, from them cut raw antlers 186,2 kg. In the herd, OOO « Kaimskoe « high-yielding stags of 1,06%, they received antlers 43 kg. In OS «Novotalitskoe» antlers are longer and less thick, as evidenced by the correlation coefficient r «antler Mass – trunk Length» – 0,76. LLC « Kaimskoe « the relationship between the main features of the direct positive of 0,32 and 0,59.


maral, Altai-Sayan, the antlers, the shape of the crown productive qualities, crown shape, glass, shovel-shaped, fork-shaped form.