DOI: 10.26155/
UDC 338.124.2


E. E. Mozhaev
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Scientific Director of the National Research Institute of Resource Saving and Energy Efficiency, Moscow, Russian Federation
N. S. Serdyuk
Teacher of the Russian Academy of Personnel Support of the Agro-Industrial Complex, Moscow, Russian Federation
A. K. Markov
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Department of Resource Efficiency in Agriculture, National Research Institute of Resource Saving and Energy Efficiency, Moscow, Russian Federation


The decline of the dairy market and the aggravation of the problems of the dairy industry that have accumulated over the decades requires research and implement science-based measures to improve the system of production, organizational and economic relations that determine the effective functioning and development of dairy subcomplex. The consumption of milk and dairy products per capita in Russia is about two times lower than the norm of rational nutrition. Russian producers must increase milk production by 2–20% to achieve full import substitution. The Russian milk market is affected by the growing import of cheese-like products. The population began to want more variety and better quality, and the" mentality " of the food industry remained the same. One of the main factors of the "milk crisis" is the decline in the level of income of the population. The "milk crisis" clearly showed that we need to seriously review the very concept of self-sufficiency of the country with dairy products.


dairy industry, milk processing, milk production, crisis, development.