DOI: 10.26155/
UDC 619: 616-085: 611.08: 616.36-003.93 616.36-002.1


A. А. Lavrik
NoviStem LLC, Belgorod, Russian Federation
S. G. Ali
NoviStem LLC, Belgorod, Russian Federation
V. B. Moskalev
NoviStem LLC, Belgorod, Russian Federation
D. A. Zolotareva
NoviStem LLC, Belgorod, Russian Federation


The research studied influence of the mesenchymal stem cells secretome low molecular fraction on the liver functional state in rats with acute hepatitis. It has been established that the pharmacological composition based on secretome contributes to the normalization of basic biochemical parameters of the liver and the recovery of its morphological characteristics. The data obtained indicate the pronounced regenerative properties of the studied drug and the prospects of further research and development in this direction.


mesenchymal stem cells, secretome, regenerative properties, acute hepatitis, liver diseases.