DOI: 10.26155/
UDC 619: 615.038: 616-006.6


A. А. Lavrik
NoviStem LLC, Belgorod, Russian Federation
V. V. Zarubaev
Laboratory of Experimental Virology Saint-Petersburg Pasteur Institute, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
A. V. Slita
Laboratory of Experimental Virology Saint-Petersburg Pasteur Institute, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
S. G. Ali
NoviStem LLC, Belgorod, Russian Federation


One of the promising directions in the complex therapy of oncological diseases is the use of immunomodulatory drugs based on cytokines which have the ability to inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells and allow selectively activate a certain link of immunity which is especially important in the treatment of recurrent and metastatic cancer. Results of the pilot study focused on the antitumor and immunotropic properties of the low molecular weight fraction (up to 50 kDa) of the mesenchymal stem cell secretome have been shown in present paper. In solid Ehrlich carcinoma mice model the low molecular weight fraction of MSC secretome resulted in delayed tumor growth in the organism compare with cisplatin. It has also been shown that it stimulates humoral immune response which was manifested by an increase in the number of antibody-forming cells in the spleen and hemagglutinin titers in the blood serum of mice.


oncological diseases, cytokines, mesenchymal stem cells secretome low molecular fraction, immunotropic effect, antitumor effect, Cisplatin.