DOI: 10.26155/
UDC 591.169.2


E. N. Borkhunova
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin, Moscow, Russian Federation
D. V. Nadezhdin
Post-graduate student, Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin, Moscow, Russian Federation


The guinea pig experiment showed a positive effect of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MMSCs) on skin wound healing. The obtained data indicate that the use of the cell product leads to faster healing of the defect, the formation of a regenerate morphologically similar to the surrounding intact skin. It is concluded that the use of cellular products enhances regeneration processes and is effective in treating skin wounds.


wound, reparative regeneration, autologous cell products, multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells.