DOI: 10.36871/
UDC 636.978: 636.084: 599.824


N. V. Gaponov
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Processing and Food Use of lupine, Research Institute of Lupin – Branch of the Federal Research Center «V. R. Williams VIC», Michurinsky village, Russian Federation Research Institute of medical Primatology, Sochi, Russian Federation
L. N. Gamco
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department of Animal Feeding, Private Animal Technology and Processing of Animal Products, Bryansk State Agrarian University, Kokino village, Russian Federation


The article presents a study of the effect of fish meal, in the amount of 18% in the structure of the diet, on the organism of primates. Fishmeal is known to be rich in energy and protein. One kilogram of it contains up to 700 g of pure protein and up to 15 MJ of exchangeable energy. It should be noted that fish meal is easily digested and well absorbed by the body of animals. Among other things, it contains a lot of calcium, fat, vitamins of group B, phosphorus and other elements. But the use of fish meal in the rations of primates, in an amount above 18%, has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, the purpose of our research was to study the effect of fish meal on hematological, biochemical blood parameters, to determine the variability of rations of rhesus monkeys, and based on the data obtained to determine the prospects for its further use in feeding primates. For this purpose, developed technological methods of preparation of feed with fish meal. The chemical composition of the obtained feeds has been determined. The nutritional value of the feed obtained was studied by the main indicators of chemical composition. The effect of fishmeal rations on blood and biochemical blood parameters and nutrient digestibility of fishmeal rations on rhesus monkeys was studied. And also calculated the economic efficiency of the use of fish meal in the structure of ration. On the basis of experimental data, it was established that the introduction of fish meal into the diet provides an improvement in the process of assimilation of feed, which has a beneficial effect on hematological and biochemical blood parameters in experimental primates. And provides a reduction in the cost of full granular feed.


digestibility, retention, fishmeal, diet, мacaca mulatta, primates.