DOI: 10.36871/
UDC 636.92.087.7: 636.92.082


V. E. Podol'nikov
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department of Animal Feeding, Private Animal Technology and Processing of Animal Products, Bryansk State Agrarian University, Kokino village, Russian Federation
D. V. Gusakova
Postgraduate Student of the Department of Animal Feeding of Private Zootechnics and Processing of Livestock Products, Bryansk State Agrarian University Kokino, Russian Federation


The influence of the health-improving feed additive "Gumel Lux" on the reproductive qualities of rabbits of the New Zealand white breed was studied. The positive effect of the feed additive on the increase in the weight of the nest in okrol by 11,67% compared to the control and by 10,57% when weaning rabbits at 35 days of age was established. The safety of rabbits under the influence of the health-improving feed additive "Gumel Lux" was higher than in the control group by 4,16%, and the milk content of rabbits increased by 1,5 times, respectively.


feed additives, rabbits, reproductive qualities.