DOI: 10.36871/
UDC 577.151


L. A. Romodin
Assistant of the Department of Radiobiology and Virology named after Academicians A. D. Belov and V. N. Syurin, Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin, Moscow, Russian Federation


As means of cancer therapy, cytochrome C can be used, which can trigger a cascade of apoptotic reactions in the cytosol, as well as its complex with cardiolipin, which triggers lipid peroxidation, which can ultimately lead to cell death by the mechanism of apoptosis or ferroptosis. This article presents the possibility of using cytochrome C and its complex with phospholipids for the treatment of cancer, as well as the main problems associated with this. The main problem is the development of an effective means of delivering a cytotoxic agent to target cells in vivo. If all problems are solved, the use of free cytochrome C should trigger apoptosis of cancer cells, and the cytochrome C complex with cardiolipin or phosphatidic acid should trigger necrosis – like programmed death by the mechanisms of necroptosis, pyroptosis or ferroptosis.


oncology, cytochrome C, apoptosis, cytochrome C–cardiolipin complex, lipid peroxidation, ferroptosis