UDC 636.082.453.52
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202111008


Seidfatima M. Borunova,
All-Russian State Center for Quality and Standardization of Medicinal Products for Animals and Feed, Moscow, Russia; Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MBA named after K. I. Scriabin, Moscow, Russia
Olga V. Karabanova,
Ochir E. Badmaev,
All-Russian State Center for Quality and Standardization of Medicinal Products for Animals and Feed, Moscow, Russia


In the presented work, a method was tested for determining the number of spermatozoa with intact acrosome in male producers using Diff-Quick dye. As a research method, we used a similar method for determining the integrity of the acrosome in breeding bulls developed in the FGBU «VGNKI» [XNUMX]. XNUMX samples of frozen sperm of canine producers were examined for the integrity of the sperm acrosome. Samples were provided by the clinical diagnostic center. The monitoring of the state of acrosomes in the sperm production of canine producers after staining with a specialized set of Diff-Quick dyes was carried out.


canine sperm, acrosome, Diff-Quick, sperm morphology.