UDC 617: 615.361: 616
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202112001


Natalya A. Slesarenko,
Elena O. Shirokova,
Aleksey M. Zharikov,
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin”, Moscow, Russia


The article reflects the normative morphological and biomechanical parameters of the Achilles tendon in a laboratory rat, and also developed a methodological approach to assessing the structural and functional state of the tendons and its compliance. The micromorphological, micromorphometric and biomechanical data of the tendon in the studied group of animals have been scientifically substantiated. It was shown that the morphological parameters of tendon tissue correlate with its biomechanical characteristics. The experimental model of the study was a laboratory rat (n=10). The material for the study was the Achilles tendon. A comprehensive methodological approach was used, including anatomical preparation, micromorphological studies, micromorphometry, biomechanical testing of tendon samples and statistical data processing. Thus, the indicators of strength and elasticity of the tendon are due to the peculiarities of the tissue architectonics, namely, the mutually parallel unidirectional and dense arrangement of collagen fiber bundles with pronounced interfiber connections and the number of cells of the fibroblastic population.


achilles tendon, connective tissue, collagen structures, fibrocytes, biomechanics.