DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202201005


Ivan I. Kochish,
Ilya N. Nikonov,
Marina V. Selina,
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin”, Moscow, Russia


The aim of the study is to study the effect of the mineral shungite on the intestinal microbiota of laying hens for the needs of poultry farming.
To solve this problem in the conditions of the vivarium of the International Laboratory of Molecular Genetics and Poultry Genomics, MVA by K. I. Skryabin, an experiment was set up on laying hens (Hisex Brown cross). The diet of laying hens of the experimental group differed from the control group by introducing a feed additive from shungite at a dosage of 1 kg per ton of feed.
In accordance with the goal, the objectives of the study included the calculation of the index of bioconsolidation of microorganisms in microbial biosystems and the index of the composition of chemical elements in shungite and mixed fodder, the construction of a fractal portrait of the corresponding series of numbers, reflecting the series of numbers of microorganisms or the content of chemical elements in shungite.
Thus, it was shown that shungite, with its special ratio of chemical elemental composition, favorably affects the self-organization of microbial-organismal biosystems of the intestines of laying hens and the intestinal microbiota of laying hens in general. The ratio of chemical elements in shungite imposes a certain matrix on the ratio of various functional groups of microorganisms in the intestines of birds, which ensures the best joint activity of microorganisms in converting organic substrates into nutrients.


laying hen microbiota, microbial communities, shungite mineral, molecular genetic analysis