UDC 619: 615.91: 615.285.7
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202202011


Ahmed R. M. Elsavasani,
Alexander A. Deltsov,
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin”, Moscow, Russia


Thiamethoxam (TMX) is one of the most widely used new-class neonicotinoid insecticides worldwide. The present study was conducted to investigate the toxic effects of TMX on the reproductive system of mature male rabbits. To do this, sixteen adult chinchilla rabbits were divided into two equal groups. Animals of the first group were orally administered TMX at a dose of 250 mg/kg of body weight for 90 days. The second group served as control. A biochemical blood test performed at the end of the study showed that TMX induced a significant increase in the level of such an indicator as acid phosphatase, while total cholesterol concentrations were approximately the same in both groups. The results obtained also showed that the use of TMX stimulated the development of oxidative stress in the tissues of the testes of rabbits of the experimental group. Thiamethoxam also caused a significant increase in GST and MDA concentrations and a decrease in GSH levels. Thus, when studying the chronic toxicity of Thiamethoxam, it was found that it causes the development of oxidative stress in the tissues of the testicles of experimental rabbits.


Thiamethoxam, neonicotinoid, oxidative stress, rabbits, testis, chronic toxicity.