UDC 579.222
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202202005


Anna M. Nikanorova,
Nadezhda D. Moskovskaya,
Kaluga Branch of the Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, Kaluga, Russia


Enterobacteria, being permanent inhabitants of the gastrointestinal tract of bee individuals, play a significant role in maintaining homeostasis of the macroorganism. For the life of the bee family, the symbiotic microflora is important, because due to bacterial enzymes of glycosidases, carbohydrates are broken down and nectar is converted into honey, protein components of the feed are digested [2], and protection from pathogenic microorganisms is carried out [13]. However, a number of researchers report on the pathogenicity of representatives of the Enterobacteriaceae family for bees. In this regard, we conducted comparative studies to identify the relationship between the state of the intestinal intestines of honeybees and their physiological activity.


pathogens, honeybee, enterobacteria, symbiosis, intestines, dysbacteriosis, macroorganism, micro-organism, microbiocenosis.