UDC 619: 616.34: 615.03: 636.4
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202204004


Sergey V. Shabunin,
Aleksey G. Shakhov,
Larisa Yu. Sashnina,
Mariya Yu. Zheynes,
Galina G. Chusova,
Olga A. Manzhurina,
All-Russian Veterinary Research Institute of Pathology, Pharmacology and Therapy, Voronezh, Russian Federation


The article presents the results of studying the possibility of using integral leukocyte indices to assess the inflammatory process, endogenous intoxication and immunological reactivity in piglets with gastrointestinal infections on industrial pig breeding farms and the efficacy of therapy of sick animals with an interferon-containing drug. It was found that in sick piglets, compared with clinically healthy animals, the values of integral leukocyte indices of endogenous intoxication were higher, and the lymphocytic-granulocytic index, which characterized the severity of inflammation and the degree of intoxication associated with the infectious process, was lower. At the same time, changes in the indices of nonspecific reactivity were revealed, indicating a decrease in the activity of the monocyte-macrophage system, the adaptive capabilities of the organism and a pronounced stress reaction. The use of propig ensured the recovery of 97,5 % of sick animals. In recovered piglets, the values of integral leukocyte indices, which characterize endogenous intoxication, decreased, there were changes in the values of nonspecific reactivity indices, indicating an increase in the immune status, there was a tendency to an increase in the lymphocytic-granulocytic index, which indicated the extinction of the inflammatory process and the efficacy of treatment.
The conducted studies have established the possibility of using integral leukocyte indices for an objective assessment of the presence of an inflammatory process, endogenous intoxication and the state of immunological reactivity in piglets with gastrointestinal diseases and the efficacy of therapy.


piglets, gastrointestinal diseases, integral leukocyte indices, endogenous intoxication, nonspecific reactivity, «Propig».