UDC 619.616.995.12.636
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202205004


Zahir Amir oglu Aleskerov,
Sevinj Nabi kizi Novruzova,
Azerbaijan State Agrarian University, Ganja, Republic of Azerbaijan
Tatiana I. Pashnik,
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin”, Moscow, Russia


According to the results of the conducted studies, the epizootic situation of salmonellosis of calves in sheep farms in the western region of Azerbaijan was studied, seasonality and stationarity were revealed, the clinic and pathological changes in salmonellosis of calves were studied. In order to disinfect livestock facilities with salmonellosis of calves, the use of potassium hypochlorite is recommended and disinfection modes are proposed.


epizootic situation, inpatient status, salmonellosis of calves, disease clinic