UDC 631.95; 636.2
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202205006


Vadim G. Epimakhov,
Irina E. Epifanova,
Vladimir Ya. Sarukhanov,
Russian Institute of Radiology and Agroecology, Obninsk, Russia


The analysis of literature on the study of the animals husbandry sorbent’s application for the reducing heavy metals and radionuclides negative impact on the health and productivity of farms animals, as well as the quality of livestock products was carried out. The truthfulness the negative impact reducing of ecotoxicants on the animal organism with such bioprotective preparations using was confirmed. The importance of the feeding diet as a factor that has the most significant impact on the ecotoxicants intake into the body of farm animals is noted. It is shown, that the agricultural animal feed pollution’s has regional character, wich determine the exposure level to dairy and meat products by these toxicants. It is noted that the sorbent preparations use in animal husbandry under technogenically pollutanted areas conditions contributes not only to achieving compliance of the products obtained with sanitary and hygienic standards, but also to maintaining the health of animals, as well as increasing their productivity. The conclusion about the development relevance of new complex preparations with an optimal combination of the properties of the most effective veterinary drugs that already exist was made.


anthropogenic contamination, heavy metals, transfer coefficient, daily ration, feeds, cattle breeding.