UDC 636.934.57.087
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202205009


Dmitry V. Skrynnikov,
Nikolay A. Balakirev,
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin”, Moscow, Russia


In the modern Russian feed market, there are constant changes in their availability, assortment and cost. New types of feed products appear; disappear or become unaffordable, or get a new presentation and properties of the once most common and widespread products.
Fur-bearing animals should have a balanced diet of all the necessary nutrients (OE, protein, fat, carbohydrates, etc.) to improve productive and reproductive qualities. One of the promising ways to strengthen the fodder base of animal husbandry is to increase the efficiency of the use of feed and diets through the use of biologically active substances, primarily vitamins and antioxidants, which help to increase productivity and reduce oxidation processes, fats, feeds used in animal diets. The relevant BAS is currently the MZP "Vitazar", which contains biologically active substances necessary for the body of animals.
The preparation of the MZP "Vitazar" opens up wide opportunities for the creation of various feed mixes. It significantly surpasses other dietary supplements in the content of proteins, carbohydrates, a number of macro- and microelements, slightly inferior in fat content. In addition, it contains a significant amount of fat- and water-soluble vitamins. There are no analogues in plant and animal raw materials in terms of the content of vitamin E in MZP [7].


standard breed mink, "Vitazar", young animals, feed mix, mink birth, minerals, ration