UDC 619: 616: 995.1: 636
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202206010


Bair Ts. Dashinimaev,
Larisa I. Boyarova,
Solbon M. Dashinimaev,
Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine of Eastern Siberia – Branch of the Siberian Federal Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chita, Russian Federation


The results of studying the distribution and species composition of helminths of the digestive tract of horses in the Trans-Baikal Territory are presented. It has been established that these parasites are widespread in this region, affecting animals with an invasion intensity (EI) of up to 90,0%. The identified nematodes of the gastrointestinal tract of horses were assigned to 43 species, of which 18 were found in the Trans-Baikal Territory for the first time. The greatest extensiveness and intensity of invasion by nematodes of the digestive organs were noted in horses in the foreststeppe zone. Also, in two districts of the region, coccidia oocysts, a rare species of protozoa found in horses, were first identified in the Russian Federation.


horse, helminths, coccidia, parasitosis, digestive tract, intensity of invasion (II), extensiveness of invasion (EI)