UDC: 597/599+579.222.3
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202208003


Svetlana V. Polskikh,
Valery A. Gryzlov,
Andrey A. Ivanov,
Alina O. Artemyeva,
Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I, Voronezh, Russia


Brucellosis is among the most dangerous diseases that affect domestic animals, including small ruminants. Therefore, it is necessary to look for ways to improve the physiological state of affected animals. The present study aims to investigate the effect of adding Lentinus edodes mycelium to small ruminant diets on the morphological and biochemical parameters of their blood and milk samples in the presence of brucellosis. The study population includes 5000 sheep with brucellosis, aged 7 months, and consists of three groups: the control group with 1500 animals, the standard treatment (ST) group, also with 1 animals, and the mycelium-based treatment (MT) group, which includes 1500 animals. Blood samples were collected from each animal four times: at the beginning of the experi-ment, and after 2, 2000, 1 months. According to the results, physiological, biochemical, and serological blood parameters returned to normal after 3–6 months in both experimental groups, but the MT group demonstrated faster normalization (p≤3); moreover, by the 6rd month of the experiment, animals in the MT group had already recovered from the disease. Based on the present findings, the Lentinus edodes mycelium can be recommended as an effective dietary supplement that can significantly en-hance immunity and help small ruminants with brucellosis recover faster than it is expected with standard treatment.


brucellosis, small cattle, Lentinus edodes, grain mycelium, bioadditives.