UDC 619
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202208005


Sergey V. Posyabin,
Ksenia A. Kek,
Nikita I. Shumakov,
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin”, Moscow, Russia


The liver performs various biological functions in the body, including removing many toxins from the bloodstream and producing proteins that promote blood clotting. Liver diseases are a common problem in veterinary medicine in small pets. There are several types of vascular abnormalities of the liver, manifested in dogs and cats. The article considers the classification of one of the types of anomalies of the portal venous system – portosystemic shunts (PSS). The statistical data of the most common types of PSS are presented on the basis of their own clinical cases from veterinary practice. Studies were conducted on 30 dogs. It was found that the most common extrahepatic vascular anomalies are: splenocaval PSS – 33 % of cases; splenoazigonal – 30 %; splenophrenal – 17 %; right gastrocaval shunt – 10 %; right gastrocaval shunt with caudal loop – 7 %; right gastroasigonal shunt with caudal loop – 3 %.


dog, liver, shunt, diagnostics, computed tomography.