UDC 636.5.033
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202209005


Yulia V. Petrova,
Pavel N. Abramov,
Seda A. Sargsyan,
Moscow Veterinary Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin, Moscow, Russian Federation


The article presents the results of a study of the effect of antidiarrheal feed additive «Afluxid®» on the morphological composition of meat chicken slaughter products. It was found that the «Afluxid ®» feed additive used in a dosage of 2,5 g/head per day from the daily age for 7 days and from the 49 day age until the moment of slaughter, most effectively affects the chemical composition of the pectoral and femoral muscles of meat chickens, as well as the histological picture of the muscles and liver of chickens. Increased protein content was observed in meat from chickens of the second group, where it was 2 % higher in white muscles and 20,6 % higher in red muscles than in the control group. It was found that when the feed additive «Afluxid®» is introduced into the diet of chickens, the nutritional properties of meat are improved by increasing the protein content, reducing the quantitative representation of fat, compared with the meat of birds that did not receive a feed additive.


Afluxid®, feed additive, meat chickens, poultry farming, chemical composition of muscles, histological examination