UDC 636.082
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202209008


Ekaterina N. Vasil'eva,
All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Breeding of Farm Animals – branch of the Federal Research Center of Animal Husbandry – VIZ named after Academician L. K. Ernst, Tyarlevo, Russian Federation


The article presents the results of studies of the genealogical structure of sires (n=1012 heads) of breeding farms in the Leningrad Region, as well as the breeding value (BV) of their origin, age and line branches. We used the data of the producers of the two leading lines of the Holstein breed: Wis Burke Ideal (WI) and Reflection Sovering (RS). In both lines, the majority of bulls were obtained in the USA (59,1 and 63,6 %), and 6,6 and 8,5 % of domestic origin, respectively, for the lines. The most numerous branches in the first line are identified – H. H. C. Manfred, B. M. T. Cleitus, Prelude and M. Aerostar, and in the second line – Blackstar Emori, Magic, Adam and G. Arlinda Chief. The best in terms of BV for milk yield (by BLUP) are the bulls of the B. M. T. Cleitus (+1114 kg) and H. H. C. Manfred (+888 kg) branches in the WI line; in the RS line: Blackstar Emori (+1037 kg) and Magic (+1007 kg), more preferable in the selection of bulls to secure the breeding stock of the herd.


breed, line, branch, sire bull, breeding value, origin, age