UDC 619.616-08-031.84
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202211001


Igor S. Koba,
Darya G. Reshetnikova,
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin, Moscow, Russian Federation


The article presents the results of a survey of cattle in one of the farms of the Kaluga region. We found that the examined cattle breeding farm is unfavorable for infectious keratoconjunctivitis. It was found that various antimicrobials were used to treat moraxellosis in farms, which could lead to antibiotic resistance of Moraxella. This, in turn, influenced the complexity of choosing a treatment regimen for infectious keratoconjunctivitis. To improve the health of the livestock, a treatment regimen consisting of the antimicrobial drug Draxin and the tissue immune stimulator Tkanolin was compiled, which led to accelerated recovery of animals with moraxellosis, as well as increased resistance of the body.


cattle, Moraxella bovis, Tkanolin, moraxellosis, infectious keratoconjunctivitis