УДК 619:616.98:579.834.115:636.2(571.63)
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202211013


Svetlana V. Terebova,
Guli G. Koltun,
Victoria V. Podvalova,
Nadezhda V. Momot,
Igor L. Kamlia,
Margarita G. Simakova,
Primorskaya State Agricultural Academy, Ussuriysk, Russian Federation


Primorsky Region is not affected by leptospirosis. The disease is most often registered in settlements in southern Primorsky Krai, and it is seasonal. Laboratory tests have detected serogroups of Canicola, Grippotyphosa, Pomona, Icterohaemorrhagiae leptospirosis. From 2012 to 2021, there were two registered leptospirosis-free areas in cattle, and the total number of diseased animals was 23 heads. Vaccination allows the epizootic process of leptospirosis to be controlled, but the course of the disease is latent and asymptomatic. Circulation of the pathogen is ensured by natural, anthropogenic and mixed epizootic foci, as well as by wild, synanthropic animals.


Leptospirosis, cattle, epizootiology