UDC 619: 616.9 / 636.5 (575.3)
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202211008


Gulnora Sh. Navruzshoeva,
Oleg Yu. Mesheryakov,
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin, Moscow, Russian Federation
Svetlana Yu. Zhbanova,
Firuz D. Khasanov,
Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences – IVM TAAS, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan


The use of ELISA serology data in the bird health management system has been universally accepted for many diseases, including infectious bursal disease (IBD). Serological testing using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is an important tool for monitoring the immune response after vaccination, as well as for diagnosing and ensuring bird health. Even in vaccinated birds, foci of IBB are recorded.
The flow system of poultry rearing, the concentration of large livestock in small areas, the artificial microclimate, the violation of the technology of keeping, feeding and the influence of other stress factors lead to an increase in the virulence of pathogenic microflora.
Timely monitoring of infectious diseases of birds is an integral part of a set of measures aimed at the prevention of these diseases, which involves the introduction into practice of diagnostic studies that meet the current level of scientific development.
The article presents data on determining the timing of vaccination of chickens using the Deventer formula. The calculation of the timing of vaccination of infectious bursal disease is based on the regularities of lowering the titer of maternal antibodies (the effect of the 4th day).


poultry, antibodies, diagnostics, ELISA, viruses, Gumboro disease, vaccination, immunity