UDC 619: 616.98
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202301005


Maria S. Shishkina,
Tatyana P. Lobova,
Vera V. Mikhailova,
Anastasia N. Skvortsova,
Testing Central Scientific and Methodological Veterinary Laboratory, Moscow, Russia


The article presents the results of epizootic monitoring for rabies in the Russian Federation for 2021. The species and number composition of animals with a laboratory-confirmed diagnosis of rabies was analyzed. A picture of the spread of the disease and the involvement of many animal species in the epizootic process is shown.
In 2021, veterinary laboratories received over 10 000 brain samples from animals suspected of having rabies. A positive diagnosis was laboratory established in 1189 cases in 63 subjects of the Russian Federation. The most intense epizootic situation is in the Volga Federal District (382 cases) and the Central Federal District (257 cases). 47 % of positive results (563 cases) are for dogs and cats; 39 % (459 cases) – for commercial and wild animals; 13,5 % (161 cases) – for farm animals; 0,5 % (rabbit, 2 wild hamsters and 3 hedgehogs) – for other animal species. The main reservoir of the rabies virus in Russia is the red fox. Among game and wild animals, the largest number of cases was registered among foxes (80 % of cases).


rabies, epizootic monitoring, wild animals, red fox