UDC 636.4.082
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202302016


Igor P. Miroshnichenko,
Lugansk State Agrarian University, Lugansk, Russian Federation
Nikolay V. Pimenov,
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin, Moscow, Russian Federation
Sergey N. Tresnitskiy,
Anatoliy S. Tresnitsky,
Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation


However, the experience of her work has shown that modern technology has violated to a certain extent the relationship of the body of pigs with the environment with traditional conditions of keeping and feeding.
But recently, the latest technical developments in the provision of methods for keeping pigs of different technological groups, methods and means of ventilation of premises, which have a significant impact on the level of metabolic processes and productivity of animals, have been rapidly introduced in pig breeding. This is especially true for such a vulnerable technological group as weaned piglets, during the growing period of which there are a number of critical life threats.
Therefore, the only effective way is to optimize the technological parts of keeping pigs under the conditions of industrial pork production technology.
The two-phase technology is characterized by the fact that, after weaning from sows, piglets are grown in nests, in the same pens where they were born, up to 90–120 days of age. Until they have a mass of 30–40 kg. And only then the animals are transferred to fattening.
When growing according to the accepted technological scheme, young animals change only two production premises, therefore such a system of animal fattening is called two-phase. It reduces the stress on the animals, both due to the minimum movement of young animals, and because there is no struggle for leadership in newly formed groups of piglets.
The criterion for evaluating various production technologies is the correspondence of physiological needs and genetic characteristics of farm animals to artificial environmental conditions.
The article considers the influence of different terms of combining nests in the suckling period on individual productivity indicators, as well as on the ethological and hematological indicators of piglets. The expediency of combining three nests of piglets at the age of 21 days for subsequent rearing by one group has been proved. Although this method of combining nests predetermines a certain physiological stress in the animal organism, as evidenced by hematological parameters, however, it does not go beyond the normal range and no stress state is observed.


growth, piglets, productivity, ethology, hematology, consolidation of nests, lactation period