UDC 619: 637.7
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202303001


Nikolay A. Kozlov,
Yussef Zhemai,
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin”, Moscow, Russia


This work is devoted to the methods of diagnosis and treatment of syringomyelia in different breeds of dogs. Magnetic resonance imaging is the only and sufficiently effective diagnostic method for making a diagnosis. A small and asymptomatic sirin often does not require treatment, surgical intervention is indicated when analgesics do not eliminate discomfort or in the presence of a neurological deficiency. Medication may be chosen for patients with minor pain.
This article was a study of 246 dogs, weighing from 2 to 25 kg, with neurological deficiency, where syringomyelia was the main and secondary pathology, the studied animals were representatives of different dog breeds.


Magnetic resonance imaging, syringomyelia, small dogs, cerebrospinal fluid, pain, medical management, surgical decompression