UDC 636.934.572.
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202303018


Ulyana A. Goncharova,
Natalia N. Shumilina,
Elena E. Larina,
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin”, Moscow, Russia


Fur farms supply high-quality skins of minks, foxes, arctic foxes, and nutria. A special place in the production of furs is occupied by sable skins. Our country is a monopolist in the production of this valuable type of fur. Despite some successes, sobolevodstvo still lags behind other branches of fur farming. Sable breeding remains the least studied industry. The causes of late puberty of sable have not yet been fully studied. This article is devoted to the study of the influence of the age of female and male sables and their compatibility during the rutting season on reproduction indicators. The research was carried out in JSC «Plemzverosovkhoz «Saltykovsky» on 615 females and 200 males and FSUE «Russian Sable» on 823 females and 275 males. The obtained research results indicate that in almost all cases, the most successful mating with large litters is observed in females and males of the same age, with the exception of one-year-old females, who had the most successful mating with males of 4–10 years of age and older than 10 years of age. Keywords: sable, females, males, age, date of puping, duration of pregnancy.


sable, females, males, age, potency, percentage of females without offspring