UDC 619: 616.9: 636.088: 636
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202304004


Regan Reddy Gade,
Sergey V. Fedotov,
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin”, Moscow, Russia
Pavel G. Simonov,
Altai State Agrarian University, Barnaul, Russia


One of the limiting factor in the growth of productivity of dairy farming in the Russian Federation is the widespread among the breeding stock of pathologies of the reproductive organs and the mammary gland, most often of an inflammatory nature.
Complex therapy of acute postpartum endometritis using Argumistin® 0.005 % showed 100 % efficiency, with a treatment duration of 7,8±0,33 days. Pregnancy from the 1st insemination was 58.4 %, which is 8,6; 15,8 and 7,2 % higher than after the use of Endometramag-Bio®, Hinasept-Gel and Ceftonite, respectively.
The prophylactic efficacy of Argumistin® exceeds the efficacy of Endometramag-Bio® and Hinosept-Gel by 5,6 % and 11.1 %, respectively. The duration of the service period in the first experimental group was 42,5±4,22 days, which is 7,1; 18,9 and 35,9 days less than in other groups. Pregnancy from the 1st insemination in the group where Argumistin® was used was 3,8 and 20,6 % higher than in the groups where prophylactic treatment was carried out with Endometromag-Bio®, Hinasept-Gel, and also by 38,9 % more than the negative control.
In the treatment of subclinical postpartum mastitis, the effectiveness of Argumistin® with a colloidal silver content of 0,005 % was 100,0 %, with a duration of treatment of 3,70 days.


cows, postpartum mastitis, postpartum endometritis, Argumestin®