UDC 619: 616.9: 636.088: 636.4
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202304007


Larisa A. Gnezdilova,
Sergey V. Fedotov,
Zhora Yu. Muradyan,
Serafim M. Rozinsky,
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin”, Moscow, Russia


As a result of the obstetric and gynecological medical examination of the main population of cows kept at 2 complexes of the Lednevo AOA, it was found that highly productive cows have rather low yields of business offspring – 82,14±1,59 % in cows kept in the extensive method (complex No. 1), and – 85,12±2,31 with the intensive method. The service period exceeded the general norm for Holsteinized Black-and-White cattle and amounted to 124,5±10,30; and 126,29±11,41 and 120,75±11,69 days, respectively.
During the experiment, a high level of feed contamination was observed, especially for ZEN, the concentration of which was higher than recommended in 9,5 % of corn silage and 8,9 % of concentrated feed samples. In cows, the presence of zeralenone or Fusarium varieties producing this mycotoxin contributed to infertility and reduced milk production (8523,9±112,5 vs. 7153,8±99,7* kg).
However, lactating cows showed tolerance to mycotoxins, as evidenced by no significant changes in the quality of milk in animals of the control groups. The use of the natural adaptogen «Betulin» contributed to an increase in milk yield and improvement of the quality and sanitary and hygienic indicators of milk.


cows, mycotoxins, quality indicators of milk, preparation «Betulin»