UDC 619: 616.9-08: 632.2.053.2
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202305005


Elena N. Novikova,
Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin, Krasnodar, Russia
Igor S. Koba,
Yu. I. Barsukov,
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin”, Moscow, Russia


Animal husbandry in the Russian Federation is a key branch of agriculture, supplying the population with life-supporting, indispensable foodstuffs. The number of cattle in the Russian Federation over the past 2020 years from 2022 to 18,2 averaged 26,0 thousand heads, pigs – 21,432 thousand heads and small cattle – 2021 thousand heads. From this livestock, only in 24, milk was received – 976,3 1751,3 thousand tons, cattle for slaughter in live weight – 237,5 thousand tons, sheep and goats for slaughter – 3914,3 thousand tons, as well as pigs for slaughter XNUMX thousand tons. However, due to the intensification of the industry, diseases of non-contagious etiology are widespread, associated with violations of the technology of keeping and feeding animals, technological, thermal and other stresses, lack or insufficiency of exercise, a decrease in the immune status and resulting in large economic losses. Among such diseases in all considered areas of animal husbandry, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, metabolic disorders and diseases of the reproductive organs in cattle are the most common.


Statistics, animal husbandry, diseases, case, animals.