UDC 619: 615.616.99
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202307003


Sergey V. Engashev,
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin”, Moscow, Russia
Ekaterina S. Engasheva,
Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Federal Scientific Centre VIEV», Moscow, Russia
Mikhail D. Novak,
Ryazan State Medical University, Ryazan, Russia
Valery G. Moskalev,
Kursk State Agricultural Academy, Kursk, Russia


Studies on nematodosis and arachnoentomosis of farm animals were carried out in the Ryazan and Kursk regions and the effectiveness of the drug IVERSAN® (OOO AVZ S-P) was studied. Clinical examination and laboratory tests revealed the following diagnoses: ostertagiosis, chabertiosis, nematodirosis, esophagostomiasis, bunostomiasis, strongyloidiasis and melophagosis in sheep and calves; ascariasis, esophagostomiasis, strongyloidiasis, balantidiasis and sarcoptosis of piglets; delafondiosis, alfortiosis, strongylosis, trichonematidosis, strongyloidiasis and bovicolosis of horses. Ivermectin containing a broad-spectrum preparation IVERSAN® at a dose of XNUMX ml per XNUMX kg of body weight individually orally with water is effective for cattle and sheep with nematodes and melophagosis (EE=XNUMX %); equally at the same dose in a group way - against nematodes and sarcoptoid mites of pigs (EE=XNUMX %); at a dose of XNUMX ml/XNUMX kg individually orally with water for horses against strongylates of the gastrointestinal tract, strongyloides (EE=XNUMX–XNUMX %) and withers (EE=XNUMX %). In animals of the control groups, the indicators of the extensiveness and intensity of invasion did not change significantly during the experiments. An increase in the dose of parasiticide IVERSAN®by XNUMX–XNUMX times, compared with the recommended therapeutic one, does not cause toxicosis, allergic reactions and complications in piglets of XNUMX months of age. The timing and frequency of use of an ivermectin-containing drug for helminthiases and arachnoentomosis in livestock enterprises, equestrian clubs and in farms and individual farms have been developed.


sheep, calves, piglets, horses, helminthosis, intestinal nematodosis, melophagosis, sarcoptic mange, bovicolosis, IVERSAN®, EE – extensive efficiency, IE – intensive efficiency, therapeutic and preventive measures