UDC 636.5.085.11
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202308010


Obaida Maarouf,
Ivan I. Kochish,
Valery V. Nesterov,
Elena M. Konovalova,
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin”, Moscow, Russia


The results of the study showed that the disinfectant “AlkoPerit» effectively inhibits the growth of bacteria Escherichia coli and Pr. vulgaris. The best results were obtained in the second experimental group, in which incubation eggs were treated with the disinfectant “Alkoperite” at a dose of 2 ml per 10 m1 of incubator.
It was found that the CFU content in all experimental groups was from 1,0×102 to 4,0×102 versus 6,0×104 in the control group. The bacteriological efficiency of eggshell treatment with the drug “AlkoPerit” varied from 99,3 to 99,8 %. The presence of a type of E. coli (E. coli) and proteus (Pr. vulgaris) was found on the flushes from the surface of the eggshell. The growth of E. coli was suppressed in all experimental and control groups, bacteria of the genus Pr. vulgaris were found on the surface of eggshells in the control and first experimental groups, and their growth was suppressed in the second and third experimental groups.


incubation, eggshell surface, microorganisms, the drug “AlkoPerit”, the drug “Ecocide”, CFU, Escherichia coli, Pr. vulgaris