UDC 638.162: 669.018.674
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202308012


Oleg I. Bashnin,
Damir I. Udavliev,
Anna A. Shustova,
Russian Biotechnological University «ROSBIOTECH», Moscow, Russia
Irina V. Kushch,
Viktoriya A. Stefanova,
The All-Russian Research Institute of Veterinary Sanitation, Hygiene and Ecology is a branch of the Federal Scientific Center – All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary named after K. I. Scriabin and Ya. R. Kovalenko of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Anton L. Bairov,
Federal Center for Animal Health, Vladimir, Russia


The paper presents the results of studying the toxicological properties of drugs developed at ROSBIOTEKH and VNIIVSGE – «Tektumdez» and «Theora-Dez». The preparations are intended for use at veterinary supervision facilities, food and processing enterprises.
It was found that the studied preparations are relatively low-toxic compositions when injected into the stomach of laboratory mice cause toxic effects in doses from 1000 mg/kg. The LD50 for Tektumdez was 2364,0±38,14 mg/kg and for Theora-Dez was 1755,83±62,51 mg/kg. Inhalation toxicity for the drug «Tektumdez» by the results of 3 experiments was LD50 = 61,08+2,51 g/m3 and «Theora-Dez» by the results of 3 experiments LD50 = 58,21±0,6884 g/m3. Also preparations «Tektumdez» and «Theora- Dez» in the applied concentrations have a mild irritating effect in the study of the local irritant effect.
According to the tests, Tektumdez and Theora-Dez were found to have no irritating and sensitizing effect. According to the parameters of acute toxicity, the drug belongs to the 3rd class of moderately hazardous substances when introduced into the stomach and to the 4th class of little hazardous substances when applied to the skin according to GOST 12.1.007-76.


Toxicity, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, mice, disinfection, Tektumdez, Theora-Dez, Finney, Kerber