UDC 61.619.
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202308003


Elena R. Zabolotskaya,
Leningrad state University A. S. Pushkin, Saint Petersburg, Russia; All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Plant Protection, Laboratory of Microbiological Plant Protection, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Egor S. Kogorev,
Saint Petersburg State Agrarian University, Saint Petersburg, Russia


The research is devoted to the search for possible use of proteolytic enzymes in Biomedicine, veterinary and biotechnology. In recent decades, thanks to new data in the field of biochemistry, physiology, immunology and practical medicine enzyme preparations have been widely used in the treatment of a number of diseases. These drugs have anti-inflammatory, decongestant, fibrinolytic, immunomodulatory and secondary analgesic effect, due to the influence on key pathophysiological processes in the body. The article describes the results of local application "Chymopsin" traumatic purulent and ulcerative skin lesions in horses. In the course of the study, good results were obtained and the effectiveness of the drug was proved both in the form of monotherapy and as part of complex therapy. Studies have shown that the inclusion of the drug "Chymopsin" in the standard treatment regimen leads to a significant reduction in the time of epithelialization and regeneration of the skin.


veterinary science, enzyme preparations, trypsin, chymotrypsin, chymopsin