UDC 631.51: 633.111.1
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202308009


Luiza.V. Arsenyeva,
Elizaveta A. Denisova,
Galina M. Goryainova,
Petr A. Popov,
Svetlana A. Lavina,
Igor L. Obukhov,
The All-Russian Research Institute of Veterinary Sanitation, Hygiene and Ecology is a branch of the Federal Scientific Center – All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary named after K. I. Scriabin and Ya. R. Kovalenko of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


The article presents the results of the application of the Antimicrobial Array II Plus test system based on the Randox® Biochip immunomicrochip technology in fish semi-finished products (frozen fish cutlets from pike) produced in the territory of the Russian Federation. The samples were taken from a retail chain in Moscow. The sensitivity of this method is 0,9 micrograms/l. As a result of our experiments, we found that this method has sensitivity and specificity in an amount not higher than that established in the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union «On the Safety of fish and Fish Products» (EAEU TR 040/2016).


fish semi-finished products, antibiotic sensitivity, in vitro, Randox® Biochip crossreactions