UDC 619: 617.581: 616.72-089.87:615.8
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202311004


Anastasiya I. Karklin,
Maxim V. Korobchuk,
Andrey Yu. Nechaev,
St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine, St. Petersburg, Russia
Olga V. Balashova,
Saint-Petersburg City Veterinary Station, Saint-Petersburg, Russia


The article proposes a methodology and a set of exercises and physiotherapy techniques, the use of which allows achieving good results in treatment and minimizing the manifestation of complications during the rehabilitation of a pony after resection of the femoral head. On the example of a clinical case in which the resection of the femoral head was the result of the impossibility of reducing the dislocation of the hip joint by conservative methods, the importance of a consistent, comprehensive and systematic approach to the postoperative recovery of the animal was demonstrated. The pony was followed up over a long period of time (more than 3 years) in order to assess both the short-term and long-term effects of treatment. In conclusion, the article concludes that the developed rehabilitation program is clinically effective and can be recommended for use in cases of postoperative recovery of medium-sized horses and ponies after resection of the femoral head.


pony, horse, luxation, resection, hip joint, surgery, rehabilitation