UDC 636.93.082
DOI: 10.36871/vet.zoo.bio.202401013


Elena E. Larina,
Natalia N. Shumilina,
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin”, Moscow, Russia


The article presents the results of the use of males of the new breed type «Savvatievsky» on the females of the Vyatka fur farm. The influence of the type and frequency of insemination of Vyatka females by «Savvatiev» and Vyatka males on reproduction indicators was studied. The influence of the date of insemination on fertility, business output, % of nesting, the number of unfavorably foaled females, % of the young when inseminated by males of different breed types was determined. A comparative analysis of the indicators of Vyatka females when covered with different breed types of males was carried out. It was revealed that Vyatka females inseminated by one male twice with the use of both «Savvatievsky» and Vyatka males have the best reproduction results. The best indicators are females inseminated in the period 21 – 1. by «Savvatievsky» males and 1 – 10. by the Vyatka fur farm. The conducted studies have shown that "Savvati" males, when covering Vyatka females in 2014, have the best reproduction results, fertility is 2 heads higher, and business output is 2,52 heads higher than in females of sperm-inseminated males of the Vyatka type of foxes, the difference is statistically significant.


animal husbandry, silver-black foxes, breed type, fertility, business output, insemination