
Ekonomika i upravlenie: problemy, resheniya. Publication Ethics

About the Journal
Editorial Council
Publication Ethics
Requirements for articles of authors
Journal issues

ISSN 2227-3891 (print)
ISSN 2308-927X (electronic version)


1. Scientific-practical, theoretical journal "Economics and Management: Problems, Solutions" (hereinafter - the Journal), published by the Limited Liability Company "Publishing House" Scientific Library "(hereinafter - LLC" ID "NB") and adheres to the standards of publication ethics (Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE), and makes every possible effort to ensure them.
1.1. These standards are mandatory for members of the editorial board, editorial board, editorial board, authors of articles and scientific reviewers.
1.2. Violation by the author of any of the specified standards is the basis for rejection of the article.

2. An article for publication is submitted to the Journal by the author or co-author of the article. Co-authors should include all persons who have made significant creative contributions to the content of the work.
2.1. The author submitting the manuscript to the editor must indicate all co-authors of the work. He also guarantees that all co-authors are familiar with the final version of the article and agree with its submission for publication. It is recommended to indicate the sources of support / funding for the work in the manuscript.
2.2. An article submitted for publication in the Journal must be original. The author must indicate that the work is being published for the first time and ensure that it has not been previously published in other publications, as well as is not being reviewed by editors of other publications. Submission of one manuscript to several journals at the same time is unacceptable.
2.3. The author guarantees that both the submitted article and its publication will not violate the copyright and other rights of third parties, that all submitted data and materials are genuine and authentic, and their publication does not bear signs of disclosing secret or confidential information.
2.4. The submitted article must be properly formatted, including an annotation, references to sources, a bibliographic list. Articles not drawn up in accordance with GOST standards are not accepted by the Journal for consideration. The editorial office ensures the availability of all requirements for publications. The article should be written in clear language. Its content should be consistent with the profile of the journal.
2.5. If the author finds errors or inaccuracies in an already published article, the author must inform the editorial office about them as soon as possible and make every effort to publish the corrections. The first author must send a letter to the editor with notification of the error. If the error is so serious that it casts doubt on the results of the work, the authors must notify the editors about the withdrawal of the article.
2.6. Plagiarism, verbatim copying by the author of his own works, works of another person without indicating his authorship, without reference to the source, incorrect paraphrasing of the work of another person without a properly formalized reference to the source is unacceptable. The publication of false information is also not allowed.
2.7. If the elements of the article were previously published, the author is obliged to give in its text an exact link to the earlier work.
2.8. Self-plagiarism, literal copying by the author of his own previously published works, as well as their paraphrasing while maintaining the general meaning is not allowed.
2.9. In exceptional cases, the editorial board has the right to accept for publication articles in which the author has substantially (at least 50%) rethought the materials published by him earlier.

3. The editorial board reserves the right to reject the article sent for its consideration, if the author of the article does not fulfill at least one of the conditions listed above.
3.1. The editorial board maintains the anonymity of scientific review.
3.2. Editorial board members should take a balanced, balanced position when performing their duties and deciding whether to publish or reject an article.
3.3. The decision to accept an article for publication should be made on the basis of an assessment of the originality, novelty, and reliability of the article's conclusions.
3.4. Discrimination of authors on the basis of their age, sex, religious, political views, nationality and ethnicity is not allowed.
3.5. The editorial position does not necessarily coincide with the opinion of the authors.
3.6. Any person can submit to the editorial office substantiated information about errors or typographical errors he found in the publications of the Journal. This information should be carefully studied, and the editorial board is obliged to notify the author of the decision taken.
3.7. When necessary, the journal should publish the relevant information.

4. The purpose of scientific peer review is to maintain a high scientific level of the Journal.
4.1. The tasks of peer review also include assisting the authors of articles in improving the quality of their work.
4.2. Reviewers are obliged to evaluate articles objectively and reasonably, in clear language and within the timeframe specified by the editorial board. All reasons that prevent peer review should be immediately reported to the editors.
4.3. Reviewers are not entitled to inform third parties about the reviewed materials, discuss them with third parties otherwise than as directed by the editorial board.
4.4. Reviewers are obliged to immediately notify the editors of all possible conflicts of interest with the authors.
4.5. Reviewers should notify the editors of the sources and literature not used by the authors on the topic of the reviewed article.
4.6. Reviewers should also draw the editors' attention to significant similarities or overlaps between the reviewed texts and any other published works known to the reviewer.
4.7. In the process of reviewing a work, any author can be asked about the sources on the basis of which the article was made.
4.8. Authors should actively participate in the process of reviewing the manuscript, promptly provide substantiated responses to reviews and make the necessary changes at the request of reviewers and editors.

5. The author grants to LLC “ID“ NB ”the right to use the article on the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license for the period of validity of the exclusive right to the work. The author guarantees that he has sufficient rights to conclude a contract.
5.1. All possible disputes and disagreements, including on copyright issues, are resolved as far as possible through negotiations on the basis of ethical standards and procedures.

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