
Art education and science

About the Journal
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Journal issues

ISSN 2410-6348 (print)
ISSN 2658-5251 (online)

About the Journal

Arts education and scienceThe scientific journal "Arts Education and Science" / ISSN 2410-6348, eISSN: 2658-5251 / is a Russian academic publication included in the list of scientific journals reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (VAK ) (number 1751 in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of 07.03.2023) in scientific areas:

13.00.00 "Pedagogical Sciences" specialties:
13.00.01 - General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education;
13.00.02 - Theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (by areas and levels of education);
13.00.08 - Theory and methodology of vocational education
17.00.00 "Art history" specialties:
17.00.01 - Theatrical art;
17.00.02 - Musical art;
17.00.04 - Fine and decorative applied arts and architecture;
17.00.06 - Technical aesthetics and design;
17.00.09 - Theory and history of art
Also, the journal publishes works in the scientific direction

24.00.00 "Culturology" specialty:
24.00.01 - Theory and history of culture
The journal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Mass Communications, Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage. Registration certificate PI No. FS77-59742 dated 30.10.2014.


The journal "Art Education and Science" reflects the development of domestic and international art history, cultural and pedagogical scientific thought. The materials published in it cover a wide range of issues related to the history and theory of culture and art, methodology and methodology in the field of pedagogical sciences, problems of inclusive education, as well as issues of management in the field of education. The journal presents to the scientific community the results of innovative research in these areas. It contains articles by well-known art historians, culturologists, teachers, methodologists, young scientists and practitioners, doctoral students, graduate students and students of the Russian Specialized Academy of Arts, partner universities, and other higher educational and research institutions in Russia and foreign countries.

The thematic headings of the journal correspond to its focus on the publication of articles in the fields of the humanities (art history, pedagogy, cultural studies).


Questions of methodology and teaching methods
Theoretical problems of art and art education
From art history, art education and education
On interpretation in the performing arts
Culture, art and humanitarian knowledge
Socialization and vocational training of persons with disabilities
Availability of cultural goods for people with disabilities in the Russian Federation
Management in the field of education
Economics, philosophy and sociology of culture


13.00.00 "Pedagogical Sciences"
Music education: methodology, theory, technique, practice
Theater education: methodology, theory, technique, practice
Art education: methodology, theory, technique, practice
Professional music education
Professional art education
Professional theater education
Theory and practice of inclusive education
Organization and management in the education system
The quality of education
17.00.00 "Art Criticism"
Theatrical art
History and theory of performing arts
Acting, directing and decorative arts
Theater architecture
Management and production in the field of theatrical arts
Musical art
History and theory of musical art
Methodology of musicology
Musical folklore
Performing arts
Music informatics
Musical textual criticism and photography
Management and production in the field of musical art
Fine and decorative arts and architecture
History and theory of fine, decorative and applied arts and architecture
Research methodology of the problems of fine, decorative and applied arts and architecture
Management and production in the field of fine, decorative and applied arts and architecture
Technical aesthetics and design
Aesthetics and design of household products (services) and advertising
Aesthetics and exterior design
Aesthetics and interior design of service enterprises
Theory and history of art:
Classical art
Mass and popular art
Folk art and folk art
Methodology of art history analysis
24.00.00 "Culturology"
Theory and history of culture
Cultural theory
Cultural history
Philosophy of culture
Sociology of culture
Cultural anthropology
Economy of culture
Applied Culturology
History of cultural studies
Cultural Policy: Traditions and Modern Trends
Management in the field of culture
The publication is intended for the publication of articles by leading specialists and applicants for scientific degrees in the field of art history, pedagogy, cultural studies. Published four times a year.

Archive sets of the journal are posted on the website, and are also contained in Russian Electronic Scientific Libraryare included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).

Since 2019, each article of the journal during the initial electronic publication is assigned a digital object identifier - DOI, consisting of alphabetic and numeric characters, which remains assigned to the author. The digital identifier of the DOI object provides obtaining the necessary information in the general information-virtual space (Internet) and is used for the purpose of citing, linking and accessing electronic documents.


It is one of the leading Russian scientific journals in the field of art history, cultural studies and art education. It has been published since 2014.

The journal was founded by the Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts and publishes materials in all areas of contemporary art history, including source studies, theory and history of fine, theatrical and musical arts, cultural studies, including history, theory, philosophy and sociology of culture, and also covers the problems of education in the field of art. On its pages are published the works of representatives of the world's leading art history, cultural, scientific and educational schools and research centers. Articles in Russian, English and Chinese are accepted for publication after passing a double-blind (anonymous) peer-review.

The editorial board strives to reflect the key achievements of all spheres and areas of Russian art history, cultural studies and education. In connection with the specifics of the contingent of students at the Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts (a significant part of students have disabilities), the sphere of special interests includes the problems of teaching artistically gifted youth with disabilities. In this regard, the main goal of the journal is to present to scientists and all interested persons both the main trends and achievements in the field of contemporary art, culture and education, and to focus their attention on the problems of vocational training of disabled people.

The policy of the editorial board and the editorial board of the journal is based on modern legal requirements for copyright, set out in Russian legislation, and ethical principles supported by the community of leading publishers of scientific periodicals. The decision to publish is based on the reliability, scientific significance and relevance of the works submitted for consideration.

The journal joined the Budapest Open Access Initiative Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).

The main tasks of the journal:

unification of the scientific and practical potential of scientists and teachers of various specialties, ready to exchange professional experience and ideas in the field of cultural studies, history, theory and pedagogy of musical, theatrical, visual arts;
introduction of artistically gifted people with disabilities to active performing, research, teaching and other activities in the field of culture, art and pedagogy;
discussion with stakeholders on the prospects for the development of inclusive arts education;
broad coverage of the results of scientific work of graduate students in various fields of art, culture and pedagogy;
providing foreign scientists and specialists with the opportunity to publish the results of their research.

The editorial board of the journal strives to publish the results of scientific research on the problems of art education, theory and history of culture and art (music, painting, theater, cinema, etc.), issues of inclusive education in the Russian Federation and abroad.

The magazine is intended for teachers, students, as well as anyone interested in issues of art education, theory and history of culture and various types of art.

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