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ISSN 2410-6348 (print)
ISSN 2658-5251 (online)
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4 Quarter
Doroschuk E. S. Organising the Art Education of Future Journalists: Basics of Mimetic Training
Yakoupov A. N. Academic Music of the XXth – first quarter of the XXIst century: on the Way to Mastering (In English)
Sinelnikova O. V., Maksimova D. D. National Traditions and Techniques of the XXth century Composition in Alberto Ginastera’s Sonata for Guitar
Boubnova M. V. Complementary and Related Colour Combinations as the Basis of Colour Harmony
Nepriyatel Yu. A. Features of Animalistic Pattern Formation in Russian Fine Art until the XVIIIth century
Trofimova A. K., Kazakova N. Yu. Prerequisites and Trends in the Development of Virtual Museums in the XXIst century
Vasenina E. V. Information and Research Center “Dance Union” as an Example of Digitalisation of Russian Contemporary Dance
Nikodimov I. Yu., Slivin T. S. Modern Problems of Legal Protection of Copyright in Science and Art
Sharma E. Yu. To the History of Chamber Vocal Performance in Russia: Olga Butomo-Nazvanova
Bao Liwan. Alexander Tcherepnin: Russian-Chinese Composer-Pianist-Teacher
Wen Yaping. From the History of the First Chinese Cellist’ Training at the Moscow Conservatory (based on archival materials)
Gonchikova M. Ts., Dondokova R. B. Formation of Human Resources in the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR in the field of Musical Culture and Education in the 1920s – 1930s
Wang Jing. Chu Wanghua’s Piano Concerto “My Homeland”: Specific Refraction of the Immanent Properties of the Genre
Kovalev A. B. Yu. Sherling. Oratorio “Exodus Triada”: Figurative Content and Composition
Uchitel N. K. After “Reading Bitten”: on the Peculiarities of Style and Dramaturgy of Boris Klyuzner’s Second Symphony
Dolinskaya E. B. Premiere Half a Century Later (S. M. Slonimsky’s Opera “The Master and Margarita” on the Stage of the Samara Opera and Ballet Theatre named after D. D. Shostakovich)
Shcherbakova A. E. To Children about Art: Domestic Illustrated Editions of the 1800 – 1820s
Saigushkina O. P., Zhang Fengwei. Artistic Portrait of Dai Yuqiang
Shaygozova Zh. N. Archetypal Plots and Images of Artistic Embroidery of Kazakhstan in the XXIst century
Kazakov E. O., Grishina O. G., Samutina O. S. Socio-Cultural Integration of Hearing Impaired People
Gainanova A. A., Yudichev S. V. Vocal-Voice Therapy through the Prism of Vocal Pedagogy
Zhumabekova D. Zh., Kapeu-Kokhanova M. B. Xth International Violin Competition “Astana-Violin” in Memory of David Oistrakh
Saigushkina O. P. Konstantin Nikolayevich Igumnov: the Germination of Traditions
Kovaleva (Abzalova) S. R. The Problem of Emotionality in the Education of Performers-Vocalists: in Search of Balance and Harmony
Trubochkin D. V. On the Earliest Features of the Genre of Comedy
Nevolina O. S. Scenography: the Evolution of Definition
Danilova L. V. Modern Technologies of Scriptwriting and Directing in a Spectacular Project
Peremislov I. A., Cherkassky I. I. Art Investor of the New Generation: System of Investment Evaluation of the Creativity of Artist (SIECA)
Sukhorukov V. N. Сommunication Models in the Management of a Military Band
Chernova E. V. Creation of a Conservatory in the Regional Industrial City in the Perspective of Objective and Subjective Factors
Wu Chao. Li Delun’s Role in the Preservation of Chinese Orchestras
Tian Jiafeng. Chinese Conductor Cao Peng: Years of Study at the Moscow Conservatory (based on archival materials)
Smirnova M. V., Gu Yunchen. D. A. Rabinovich’s Research “Thoughts on Listianism. Interpretation, Repertoire, Style” in the Context of Modernity
Nguyen Bao Yen. Features of the Soprano Voice and Its Interpretation: Singing Tradition and Possible Figurative Embodiments
Chistyakov R. V. Refraction of Musical Traditions of Ancient Cultures in the Work of André Jolivet (on the example of “The Song of Linos” for flute and piano)
Beriglazova E. V. The Concept “Rebel” in V. N. Salmanov’s Oratorio “The Twelve”
Finkelstein Yu. A. Trends of Modernism in the Works for Classical Guitar by Russian Composers (60s of the XXth century)
Nasibulina A. V. The Musical Style of Composer Yuri Kasparov
Wang Jing. “Youth Concerto” for Piano and Orchestra by Liu Shikun and a Group of Composers: Implementation of Genre Traditions
Yang Nan. Wang Lisan’s Piano Variations: Principles of the Embodiment of Folk Song Material
Shaygozova Z. N. The Image of Time and Space in Turkic Traditional Decorative Art
Zheng Yan. The Сhinese Erhu Instrument in Russia
Pakhomova E. A., Kazakov E. O., Agafonova Yu. A. Socio-Cultural Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities and Limited Health Capabilities (experience of inclusive creative laboratories)
Gainanova A. A., Yudichev S. V. Key Points of Vocal-Voice Therapy Effect on Dysarthria
Nikodimov I. Yu. Using Artificial Intelligence in Inclusive Arts Education
Tsvetkova E. O. M. P. Mussorgsky and the Ballet Theatre (on the 185th anniversary of the composer’s birth)
Sanko A. K. Russian Composer’s Pedagogy and the Contribution of E. K. Golubev
Krasnikova T. N. Elective Subjects in the System of University Music Education
Kovalenko K. V. Specialty “Musical Sound Engineering” in the Context of Standardisation of Higher Education in Russia
Wang Yanzhe. On the Specifics of the Concept of “Chinese Piano School”
Alekseeva I. V. Instrumental Music from the turn of the XXth – XXIst century in a Dialogue with the Past
Romashchuk I. M. Dialogue as a Scientific Idea: Conversations between D. S. Dmitrienko and M. I. Imkhanitsky
Barabanova D. A. Three Quarter-Tone Pieces by Charles Ives: Innovative Approach to the Piano Perception
Vorobeva L. V. “The Cliff” Ballad by C. A. Cui: on the Problem of Genre Interpretation
Akhmetova S. P., Mikhailova E. V., Andreeva O. P. Architectonics of School Space as a Tool for the Formation of Students’ Artistic Culture
Ustinskaya K. I. The Main Stages in the Formation of European Vocal Art: from Antiquity to Modern Times
Baeva A. A. The Golden Cockerel by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov — The Nightingale by I. F. Stravinsky: Parallels and Intersections
Ladyzhnikov N. A. Specific Features of the Russian Military March of the second half of the XIXth century
Lukyanenko V. V. The Golden Calf by T. Khrennikov: Style and Genre Features
Dvuzhilnaya I. F. Remembering the Holocaust: Cultural Contact in the Music of Mikhail Bronner
Makarychev D. V. Actor of Synthetic Type in the Musical Theatre of the XXIst century
Gusenkova A. A. The Influence of Ritual on the Formation of Russian Folk Art
Ibragimov A. I. Syncretism of the Steppe Worldview and the Aesthetics of Information Technologies in the Works of Ilya Kazakov
Dao Dang Phuong, Le Vinh Hung. Xoan (Hat Xoan) Folk Singing in Phu Tho Province and Its Role in the Musical Education of Primary School Children
Ptitsyna E. V. Studying the Folklore Traditions of the Native Land in the context of Introducing Students to the Origins of National Culture
Pakhomova E. A., Kazakov E. O., Agafonova Yu. A. Formation of Entrepreneurial Initiative in the Field of Creative Industries among People with Disabilities
Romashchuk I. M. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov: the Attraction of Talent (on the 180th anniversary of the composer’s birth)
Potemkina N. A. Elena Fabianovna Gnesina — Creative Heritage
The issue of the journal will appear on the website soon
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3 Quarter
4 Quarter
Kalitzky V. V. The Development of the Pianist’s Concertmaster Art in China
Li Meixin. Evolution of the Flute Repertoire in the Works of German Composers in the first half of the XVIIIth century
Bataeva L. A., Akhmetshina A. K. Forms for Realising the Pedagogical Potential of Folk Arts and Crafts in the System of Art Education
Medushevsky V. V. Wave-Particle Duality in Pedagogy
Alekseeva I. V. The Sound Ideal in Instrumental Music and Its Evolution: Research Problems
Krygin N. N. Epic Theatre: Theory and Practice in the Special Theatrical Education
Breitburg K. A. The Historical Prototype of the American Concept Musical
Zhang Menwen. Contribution of the Russian Pedagogical Singing School to the Formation of Guo Shuzhen, the Star of the Chinese Opera Olympus
Xu Kaihua. The Contribution of Shen Xingong and Li Shutong to the Formation of Choral Art in China: from ″School Songs″ to ″Spring Walk″
Romashchuk I. M. Dance in the Operas of M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov: the Text and Its Interpretation
Garipova N. F. The Piano Work of R. Khasanov in the Context of the Stylistic Trends in Musical Art of the second half of the XXth century
Kirillina O. M. L. Tolstoy and A. Platonov: Merciless Justice and Faith in Man
Kartseva E. A. The Impact of Post-Digital Aesthetics on Works of Art in Urban Space
Fomchenko E. V. Features of Meaning Making in the Russian Folk Dance
Ursegova N. A. Russian Siberian Folklore Studies During the Revolution and the Civil War
Varlamova T. P. Development of Auditory Perception of Musicians-Instrumentalists with Visual Impairments
Zhumabekova D. Zh., Zhexembay A. E. Makpal Bekmagambetova — from the Constellation of Outstanding Violinists of Kazakhstan
Dolinskaya E. B. Innovative Ways of Russian Musicological Pedagogy in the XXth – early XXIst centuries
Buryakova L. A. The Profession of Music Therapist in France: Training and Areas of Application
Gavdush A. I. Synodal School: Forming a Model of Professional Education in the Russian Choral Culture of the XIXth – early XXth centuries
Zhou Wei, Guo Jun. Research of Pedagogical Strategies and Practices of Creating Blended “Golden Lessons” in the Background of Constructing a “Double First-Class”
Sinelnikova O. V. From Operas and Concerts to “Proverbs” and “Fragments”: Rodion Shchedrin’s Genre Experiments in the XXIst century
Putecheva O. A. Myth as the Basis of Musical Meaning-Modelling in the Works of A. Bakshi
Finkelstein E. Yu., Sushkova-Irina Ya. I., Andryukhin S. A. Preparing a Musician for a Concert Performance: the Specifics of Performing on the Guitar
Balatskaya A. L. Sergey Ivanovich Taneyev and Jules Conus. Teacher and Student
Wang Xintong. Viola Miniature by Rebecca Clarke
Varlamova T. P. Formation of Musical Thinking in the Interpretation Activities of the Performer
Trifonova A. A. Prokofiev’s Vocal Fairy Tale “The Ugly Duckling”: at the Interface between Romance and Opera
Ke Meili. The Phenomenon of Tradition in Russian Avant-Garde Music of the 1960s–1980s
Xu Kaihua. Outstanding Representatives of the Chinese School of Choral Performance
Bogomolova Yu. Yu. Transformation of the Image of Mary Magdalene in “The Feast at Simon the Pharisee” in Italian Painting
Andreeva O. P., Mikhailova E. V., Akhmetova S. P. Art Nouveau Architecture in the Modern Urban Image of Chuvashia
Sitnikova S. A. Plants in Traditional Magical Practices of the Tver Folk Calendar (Winter Rites)
Gainanova A. A., Yudichev S. V. Vocal Elements as a Form of Productive Activity for Correction of Speech Prosodics Speech Therapy
Golovataya G. F. Modern Methods and Approaches in the Process of Teaching Singing to the Disabled and Persons with Disabilities
Dolinskaya E. B. Sergei Rachmaninoff and Nikolai Medtner: Life and Creative Parallels
Romashchuk I. M. S. V. Rachmaninoff and M. L. Presman: to the History of Friendship between the Two Musicians
Vinokurova N. A., Tabachnikova O. M. Interdisciplinary Approach: the Role of Art in Science and Education
Kolbysheva S. I., Pishchik O. G. Artistic and Aesthetic Literacy: on the Development of the Concept
Grigorev K. A. The Role of André Jolivet’s Trumpet Compositions in the Formation of Original Concert Repertoire
Lensu Ya. Yu. Design and Social Communication
Zadneprovskaya G. V. Aesthetics of Conceptualism in the Works of Iraida Yusupova
Anuchin A. M. The Application of Motivic Development and the Golden Ratio in Marilyn Shrude’s Composition “Renewing the Myth”
Kainova I. A. Victor Ulyanich: Features of the Orchestral Dramaturgy of the Poem about Eternal Love “Peter and Fevronia”
Novikova E. S. XVIth century Female Self-Portraiture in Italy and Its Formal Criteria
Wang Jing. Piano Concerto in the Works of Chinese Composers: to the History of the Genre Formation
Sukhanova T. B. Reflection of the National Character Traits in the Performing Art of Russian Violinists
Petrov A. K. “All-Night Vigil” by S. V. Rachmaninoff: Performance Aspects of “Historical Reconstruction”
Nguen Bao Yen. Expressive and Performing Features of the Part of Undine from Tchaikovsky’s Opera of the Same Name
Wen Yaping. Cello Concerto “La Memoire” by Chen Musheng: Programme and Its Interpretation
Konovalova N. A. Particularities of Architecture of Modern Theatre Buildings in the World: Global Requirements and National Priorities
Gorbonos O. K. The Image of the Lake Baikal in Landscape Painting by Eastern Siberian Artists
Golubeva O. S. Traditions of Book Graphics of the “World of Art” Association in Saint Petersburg Children’s Book of the late XXth – early XXIst centuries
Peremyslov L. G., Cherkassky I. I. Artist Julia Dolgorukova. Perfect Expression of Love
Lebedeva M. A. Concert-Symphony for Domra and Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments by A. A. Tsygankov (Artistic Expressive Means and the Role of Timbre)
Nikodimov I. Yu. Legal Aspects of Introducing Artificial Intelligence in Inclusive Education
Tsvetkova P. Yu. The History of the Creation of J. Verdi’s Opera “Falstaff ” through the Prism of Epistolary Writing (on the 210th anniversary of the composer’s birth)
Garipova N. F. National Vocabulary as an Important Semantic Component of Piano Works by Bashkir Composers
Zhang Mengwen. Methodology of the Russian Singing School by Professor E. K. Katulskaya
Nikodimov I. Yu. Legal Issues of Implementing Modern Information Systems in the Educational Process (on the example of creative universities)
Didenko V. D., Didenko N. S., Kozlova T. V. Art as a Reflection of Fundamental Contradictions in the Sphere of Spirit and Society
Bulgakova I. A., Churin A. S. Art Criteria in Artificial Intelligence
Alekseeva I. V. The Theme of Memory in Mikhail Kollontay’s Trio “Ten Words of Mussorgsky on the Death of Viktor Hartmann”
Urvantseva O. A. The Role of the “Estate Topos” in Rachmaninoff’s Work
Galina G. S. Harmonic Language in the Works of Bashkir Composers (on the example of opera)
Grutsynova A. P. Saint Petersburg Ballet of the 1840s: Collaboration of F. Taglioni and A.-Ch. Adam
Skorbyashchenskaya O. A. The Gerke Dynasty and Its Role in Russian Musical Culture
Merkulov A. M. Rachmaninoff in Conversation with Harriette Brower
Smirnova M. V., Han Qing. Reflecting on S. M. Khentova’s Book “Lev Oborin”
Peremislov I. A. Viewer Impressions of Artistic Expression: Art from the Conscious to the Unconscious and Vice Versa
Nasibulina A. V. The Twelve-Tone Technique of Yuri Kasparov. Tradition and Modernity
Baeva A. A. Problems of Modern Russian Opera: an Educational Project
Dvuzhilnaya I. F. Semantic Codes of Mikhail Bronner’s “Shoah Symphony”
Sokolvyak N. L. String Quartet in the Context of Literary and Epistolary Heritage of Russian Composers and Performers
Galina G. S. Modern Trends in the Genre Formation of Bashkir Opera
Satdarova L. L. Music by R. M. Glière for Drama Theatre
Rakhimov R. G. Aerophone Hornai as a Variety of the Bashkir Shawm Group
Sergeeva T. S. Functional and Stylistic Specifics of Stage Folklore (from the practice of the state folk ensembles of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Ding Zhan. The Origins of the Chinese Tao Vocal Culture
Pakhomova E. A. On the Prospects for Interdepartmental Cooperation in the Development of Inclusive Social Theatre Practices Operating on the Basis of Inclusive Creative Laboratories
Sanina N. V. Creative Development in an Inclusive Environment: the Experience of Inclusive Creative Laboratories
Artamonova E. A. Rudolf Barshai: Symphonic Concert Programmes During the Soviet Period. Archival Findings (to the 100th anniversary of his birth)
Sharma E. Yu., Lelyanova M. O. Forgotten Names of Russian Chamber Vocal Art: Vera Dukhovskaya (to the 120th anniversary of her birth)
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2 Quarter
3 Quarter
4 Quarter
Buryakova L. A. Features of Music Teacher Training in French Universities: Intervenant Musician
Bao Liwan. On the Relationship of N. Medtner’s Pedagogical Work with His Composing Activities
Trifonova A. A. Organization of Tempo-Rhythm in Chamber Ensemble Music
Imkhanitsky M. I., Sharabarin M. I. Features of Forming and Developing the Repertoire for a Mixed Ensemble of Russian Folk Instruments
Kostina A. V. Network Subject as a Participant in the Educational Process
Volkova I. G. The Potential of Computer Graphics in the Development of Students’ Artistic Abilities
Evdokimova N. K. The Process of Science Integration in the Evolution of Russian Musicology of the XXth Century: to the History of the Issue
Plotnikova O. M. Semantics of the Game Code of Culture and Its Actualization in the Opera “Don Juan” by W. A. Mozart
Sergeev E. N. The German Fach System — a Modern Classification of Voices
Artamonova E. A. Vladimir Rebikov and His Music in Great Britain (based on English Publications)
Zhang Kailin. Forever the Same, Forever New Sergei Slonimsky
Khakhalkina A. N. “Triptych” by Pyotr Fomenko: Basic Principles and Examples of Dramatization
Miroshnichenko S. V. What the Archive Has Told about. Unknown about the Famous Musician: I. G. Agafonnikov — Student of the Moscow Conservatory
Zhang Yong. The Spread of European Oil Painting in China in the XXth Century
Lyashova S. A. “Partisan Requiem” by Henning Sommerro: Methods and Results of Interpreting Literary Texts in the Context of the Work’s Dramaturgy
Wang Dan. A Novel in Verse “Eugene Onegin” by A. S. Pushkin: the Way to the Opera Stage
Koshkareva N. V. Choral Cycle “Madrigal” by A. Ushkarev as a Polyphonic Miniature Theater Phenomenon
Wang Huanyu. The Specificity of Chamber Vocal Genres in Chinese Culture
Hao Jiatao. Yuri Вashmet: Facets of Creative Individuality
Zhivitsa A. R. Modern Trends of Ethnic Music
Kozlova T. V., Didenko N. S. The Role of Synesthesia in the Visual Activities of the Deaf
Zhao Huaichao. Behind the Mask of Irony and Bravado He Hid His Tragic Face
Krasnikova T. N., Stepanova M. A. Dedicated to the Anniversary
Kartseva E. A. Specificity of Professional Competences of Artists Working in Public Art
Bataeva L. A., Akhmetshina A. K. Holistic Perception and Its Role in Professional Development of Future Teachers of Fine Arts
Merkulov A. M. Issues of Improving a University Course in Piano Teaching Methodology
Bao Liwan. Aram Tatulyan — Representative of A. B. Goldenweiser’s School in China
Nu Lei. Features of Guo Shuzhen’s Pedagogical Style
Samoilova N. K. At the Origins of the European Piano Quartet Genre
Kudashova V. A. Violin Sound Image and New Compositional Writing Techniques of the second half of the XXth century
Tolstova A. A. Conceptual Modelling in Environmental Design: Content and Management Model
Deng Shuyu. Personalized Learning as a Trend in International Education
Sukhanova T. B. The Stage Fate of L. van Beethoven’s Violin and Chamber Instrumental Heritage in Russia in the XIXth century
Ivanov A. I. From the Legacy of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov: Concerto for Trombone and Brass Band
Yu Yalong. Formation of the Cello School in Russia: Western European Traditions and National Origins
Xu Kaihua. Ways of Development of Choral Art in China
Efanova M. V. E. V. Kolobov’s Interpretative Concept: Aesthetic Principles
Tang Jing. Interpretation of Chinese Painting in the Xieyi Style
Turlyun L. N. Computer Graphics as a Form of Computer Visual Art
Shyntyapina Ye. S. Art Imagery of the Facade Decor of the Sanatorium “Energetik” in Yalta
Gorbonos O. K. Features of the Depiction of Architectural and Ethnographic Symbols in the Works of Baikal Region Artists
Romashchuk I. M. In Search of a Hero: Approaching the Opera “Chapayev” by A. N. Kholminov
Doroschuk E. S., Bayraktar М. H., Guseinova А. A. Ethnodocumentary Cinema of Turkic Peoples as a Form of Ethnocultural Representation
Lisovoi V. I., Alpatova A. S. On the Specificity of Fixing Educational Material in Musical-Theoretical Disciplines by Blind Students
Zheurova V. K. On the 135th Anniversary of Zoya Lodiy’s Birth: Art Through Overcoming
Tsvetkova P. Yu. I. F. Stravinsky and S. P. Diaghilev: to the History of Cooperation
Saigushkina O. P. Awareness of Creative Tasks as a Condition for the Professional Development of a Future Teacher-Musician
Huang Shuang. Features of the Formation of Future Music Teachers Professional Competence in Chinese Universities
Lin Yang. Manifestations of the Main Functions of Fine Art in Children’s Artwork
Lukina G. U. On the Methodology of V. V. Medushevsky: towards Fundamental Pedagogy.
Galkin O. А. Questions of Counterpoint from the Perspective of Energy Concept of Ernst Kurth
Tatarkin D. Yu. J. S. Bach’s Cello Suites for Guitar, Arranged by Kojiro Kobune: Comparative Analysis
Belyakova I. G., Mileshko A. L. Communicative and Intercultural Aspects of Dance in the Space of Information Culture
Petrashen’ E. P. Modeling the Content and Conceptual Apparatus for the Subject Area “Environmental Design” as an Object of Study in the Educational Process
Bogdanov V. P. Artist and Politics: Revolution and Civil War in the Works of I. A. Vladimirov
Avetyan N. Yu. Materials to the Biography of the Artist and Photographer Hippolyte Robillard
Chibikova I. Yu. Particularities of the Formation of Museum Collections of Old Russian and Church Art in the late XIXth – early XXth century in Samara
Vdovina E. A. Radio Theater in the 1920s: the First Steps on the Invisible Stage
Yu Yalong. Lin Yingyong — Member of Shanghai Women’s Quartet. Years of Professional Formation
Limitovskaya A. V. About the Influence of the Timbre of the Singing Voice on the Perception of the Content of a Vocal Work (on the example of the performances of S. V. Rakhmaninov’s romance “It’s Good Here”)
Podguzova O. A. From the Vocal Heritage of S. Yakovenko: Mono-Opera “The Accompanist” by F. Yanov-Yanovsky
Dolinskaya E. B. The Second Birth of the Opera “Asya” by M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov
Anuchin A. M. The influence of Gregorian chorale on the Compositional Language of Marilyn Shrude in the Duo “Lachrymose”
Pererva E. I., Safonova E. V. Compositional Principles of the Opera “Lord of the Flies” by E. Podgaits
Kholodova S. J. About Some Artistic Expressive Means of Multimedia Installation on the Example of the “Nothing” Project by the Artist Tsang Kin Wah
Lebedeva M. A. Timbre and Coloristic Features of the Concerto-Symphony by M. D. Smirnov
Koblakhov R. A., Borisova E. N. Non-Sighted Button Accordion Players: Getting Prepared for a Concert Performance
Tsvetkova E. O. The Great Universalist of the Turn of the Century (to the 150th Anniversary of A. N. Scriabin’s Birth)
Vyalukhina V. I., Gorodilova M. V., Ermakov A. A., Korobova A. G., Meshkova A. S. The Historical and Stylistic Approach to Teaching Musical-Theoretical Disciplines (from the experience of the Music Theory Department at the Ural State Conservatory)
Guryev L. Ye. Teaching Trumpet Embouchure to Beginners: a Health Promotion and Prevention Approach
Wang Zhaoyin. Marco Frank’s Compositional and Pedagogical Heritage on Viola Playing
Jin Xiao. Methods for Developing Communication Skills by Means of Musical Theatre
Moskva Yu. V. Musical Notation of the Liturgical Recitative (on the example of the Latin manuscript Epistolary from the Russian State Library)
Tatarkin D. Yu. To the Question of the Original Idea of the Cello Suites no. 5 and no. 6 by J. S. Bach
Nosoreva E. V. Piano Barcarolles by Gabriel Fauré: Interpretation of the Genre
Yu Wenhang. Timbre Solutions in Chamber Music by Zuo Zhen-Guan in the 1980s (Sonata for cello solo and Triptych for three flutes)
Parukava K. V. The Specifics of the Artistic Method in the Animalistic Genre of Fine Arts
Popko O. N. The Graphic Portraits by Jan Ksawery Kaniewski from the Collection of the Princes of Wittgenstein
Gorbonos O. K. Bratsk HPS as a Symbol of the Soviet Era in the Paintings of Landscape Artists
Otstavnova A. O. Features of Artistic Work on the “Elegiac Trio” no. XNUMX by S. V. Rachmaninov
Al-Mamory Yasir Khudhair obid, Kreidun Yu. A. The Problem of Violence, Criminal Dystopia and the Dialectics of (Dis)Order in Contemporary Films
Belaya T. V., Maltseva O. I. The Use of Computer Technologies in Decorative and Applied Arts
Golubeva O. S. Traditions of V. V. Lebedev’s School in Illustrations by Saint Petersburg Artists of the late XXth – XXIst centuries
Milvit L. V. Imaginary Interview with L. A. Desyatnikov
Kostina A. V. Traditional Culture and Reproduction of Its Attributive Features in Folklore
Gainanova A. A., Yudichev S. V. Vocals as a Form of Productive Activity in Russian Speech Therapy
Koshkareva N. V. The Russian Theme in the Polyphonic Space of R. Shchedrin’s a’cappella Choral Works (on the 90th anniversary of the composer’s birth)
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1 Quarter
2 Quarter
3 Quarter
4 Quarter
Ilinskaya N. I. Creativity Development as the Main Function of Higher Education Institution
Varlamova T. P. Concertmaster’s Multifunctional Activities in the Domra Class
Chen Xize. On the Conductor Training System in China (methodological observations)
Yakoupov A. N. Music and Communication Processes in Society: Management Theory
Kozyakova M. I. Virtual Space as a New Type of Artificial Environment
Stepanova M. A. “The Starry Wind of Cassiopeia” by Victor Ulyanich: Experience in Analysing Computer and Audiovisual Compositions
Beriglazova Ye. V. Artistic Images of S. Sirotin’s Poem “The Death of Ivan the Terrible”: Satirical Tragic Aspect
Merzlov A. N. Sergey Rachmaninoff’s Vocal Cycle “Six Poems” for Voice and Piano, Op. 38: Features of Musical Content and Form
Sapozhnikova V. S. Emergence of Fashion as Social and Cultural Phenomenon
Peremislov I. A., Peremislova L. G. (USA). Japanese Aesthetics in American Silver Masterpieces
Lebedev D. L. Aubrey Beardsley and Arthur Rackham: Subtleties of Impact
Wang Dan. To the History of the Production of Tchaikovsky’s Opera “Eugene Onegin” in China
Ivanov A. I. Christopher Bork and His Trombone Course
Merkulov А. М. Louis Pabst, Brother of Pavel Augustovich Pabst
Izergina A. R. In the Mirror of a Masterpiece: “Five Reflections on the Theme of the 24th Caprice of Paganini” by Kuzma Bodrov
Lazarev P. S. Multimedia Technologies in Modern Performance: “A Woman from the Past” in The Saratov Drama Theatre
Padyan Yu. Yu. Performance as a Contemporary Art Phenomenon
Turlyun L. N., Frantseva N. V. Textile Ornament. Evolution from Block Printing to Computer Technologies
Boitunova S. I., Maksimova S. V., Shlykova O. V. Book Culture and Art in Yakutia
Chen Xize. Meetings with the Lifetime Classic Composer Du Mingxin
Volkov D. V. Traditions of Gusli Playing in Village Life
Sobkin V. S., Lykova T. A., Sobkina A. V. Relationships with Parents as a Psychological Resource in Obtaining Higher Education in the Arts for Students with Disabilities
Balatskaya A. L. P. I. Tchaikovsky and J. E. Conus. From the History of Correspondence
Ilinskaya N. I. Innovative Technologies in Education. Teacher as the Main Subject of Educational Process in the Age of Digital Transformation
Berezhnoy V. Yu. Modern Russian Music for a Bayan Duet: (last third of the XXth – beginning of the XXIst century)
Yakoupov A. N. Music and Communication Processes in Society: Management Theory
Plotnikova O. M. Heuristic Potential of the “Art World” Metaconcept in Music Communication
Kostina A. V. Popular Culture and Mass Culture: to the Problem of Definition
Alekseeva M. Yu., Mikhailov A. A., Samsonova I. V., Rakova M. S. Typological Outlines of Transitional Consciousness in Modern Culture
Sidorova M. A. Sacred Theme of M. I. Glinka’s Opera “A Life for the Tsar” and Its Ideological and Artistic Functions
Koshkareva N. V. “Epigraph by Count Tolstoy to His Novel “Anna Karenina” by R. Shchedrin: Paradigm of Polyphonic Thinking
Kulakova O. Yu. Artists Serving Botanists: Conflict and Search for Mutual Understanding in the XVIth – XVIIth Centuries
Peremislov I. A., Peremislov L. G. Japanese Aesthetics in American Silver Masterpieces
Supotnitskaya E. S., Sharma E. Yu. In the Shadow of Chaliapin: Ivan Yershov
Wang Kaidi. Cultural Contacts between Russia and China in the Field of Music and Drama Theater (50s of the XXth century)
Miroshnichenko S. V. I. G. Agafonnikov — Portrait of a Conductor and Teacher
Yu Yalong. Development of Cello School in China. Creative and Pedagogical Activities of Wang Liansan and Situ Zhiwen
Xia Tsihan. Interpretation of Musical Genre in the Works of R. Ignatiev and K. Breitburg
Varlamova A. V. The Sound Palette of Nikolay Berestov’s Piano Work
Chen Zekang. Jia Daqun Concerto “Fusion II”: Interpretation of Chinese Percussion Instruments
Miroshnikov V. V., Miroshnikova V. M. On the Problems of Visual Image Formation in Russian Territorial Branding
Ursegova N. A. Russian Folklore in Mass Musical Education of Children in Pre-Revolutionary Russia (60s – 80s of the XIXth century)
Zhang Yue. Russian Folk Song “Over the Silver River” and Its Fate in China
Sobkin V. S., Lykova T. A., Sobkina A. V. Life Attitudes of Students with Disabilities and Students with Preserved Health
Dolinskaya E. B. Fabulous Musicians: S. Prokofiev and N. Medtner
Boubnova M. V. Creating Works of Visual Art: Features, Problems and Concepts of Artistic Activity
Khairulina A. V. On the Methods of O. N. Loshakov in Teaching Easel Painting. From His Experience at the Vladivostok Art School in 1960–1962
Bondarenko N. G. Didactic Potential of Mobile Learning in Higher Education
Melnikova E. V. New Forms of Interaction Between Music and “Word“ in Modern Vocal Creation. To Be Studied in the Course “Analysis of Musical Works / Musical Form“
Chen Qiaoyu. On the Art of Vocal Teaching by Professor Jin Tielin
Yakoupov A. N. Music and Communication Processes in Society: Management Theory
Sergeeva T. S., Doroschuk E. S. Specificity of Russian Art Blogging as a New Form of Media Creation in Digital Age
Chernova E. V. About the Children’s Segment of Musical Mass Media Culture in the XXIst Century
Vinokurova N. A., Tabachnikova O. M. Economics, Culture, Education: Gender Aspect
Ke Meili. Formation of the Traditional Understanding of the Piano Miniature Genre (historical aspect)
Surayeva N. G. From the History of the Formation of the Imperial Academy of Painting in China
Gudymenko Yu. Yu. Tradition and Innovation in the Works of O. A. Kiprensky: Portrait of A. K. Schwalbe
Shyntyapina Ye. S. Fairy-Tale and Mythological Motifs in the Decoration of Architectural Complexes by N. P. Krasnov in Yalta District
Teterina N. I. B. V. Asafyev’s Unpublished Notes in the Margins of M. P. Musorgsky’s Orchestral Score for “Boris Godunov“
Tsvetkova P. Yu. B. Brecht’s “Turandot“ at the Taganka Theatre: History of Creation and Musical Disign by A. Schnittke
Zhao Huaichao. Du Fu Poetry and Its Interpretation in the Genre Diversity of the First Notebook of “Sichuan Elegies” by N. Sidelnikov
Alekseeva I. V. Margarita Zelenaia: “The Agony in the Garden” Based on El Greco. Musical Interpretation of the Gospel Story
Zhang Kailin. Polarity of S. Slonimsky’s Stylistic Guidelines in the Instrumental Concerts “Primaverile” and “Tragicomedy”
Turintseva А. В. “Musical Reading”: a Pedagogical Approach of M. F. Gnesin
Wang Dan. Guo Shuzhen as One of the First Chinese Performers of Tatiana in the Opera “Eugene Onegin” by P. I. Tchaikovsky
Ursegova N. A. Publication of the “Siberian Living Antiquity” (1923–1929). To the Problem of Studying the History of Russian Folkloristics in Siberia
Varlamova T. P. The Importance of Compensatory Skills of Visually Impaired for the Creative Work of a Musician
Romashchuk I. M. N. Ya. Myaskovsky: the Attraction of Talent
Kolbysheva S. I. Conceptual Foundations of Artistic and Aesthetic Education (Philosophical Level of Comprehension)
Sitnikov Ph. S. Forming Creative Experience of Plastic Expressiveness of Student Actors in Interaction with a Puppet
Yakoupov A. N. Music and Communication Processes in Society: Management Theory
Alekseyeva I. V. The Concept of Intertextual Interactions by M. G. Aranovsky in Contemporary Musicology of the Urals
Galyatina A. V. The Form of the Suite in Ballet and Its Metrorhythmic Organization
Krilov I. A. Site-Specific Art-Practice as an Alternative Format of Theatre Art
Tolstova A. A. Functioning Mechanism of Artistic Engineering in Environmental Design: Inter-Сomponent Relations of Contradictions
Samsonova I. V., Mikhailov A. A., Alekseeva M. Yu. The Cult of the Mother of God in Russia and the Transformation of Orthodox Iconography
Zhang Kailin. Sergey Prokofiev and Sergey Slonimsky: a Double Portrait in the Interior of Theater, Cinema and Radio
Luo Yuanyuan. Ma Sicong and His Role in the Development of Chinese Musical Culture
Chen Xinheng. The History of the Creation of the Ballet “The White-Haired Girl”
Gruzdev A. A. Iconological Method in Semiotic Analysis of Artworks
Finkelshtein Yu. A. “Tous les matins du monde”: Poetry of Fading Sound
Dukov E. V. Performing Arts in Russia in the Context of the Pandemic
Lukina G. U. On Recent Publications of the State Institute for Art Studies
Krasnikova T. N. Witold Szalonek. Little Symphony B.A.C.H. in the Context of Symphonic Works of Polish Composers of the second half of the XXth century
Zhao Huaichao. The Second Notebook of the Vocal and Choral Cycle “Sichuan Elegies” by Nikolai Sidelnikov: Dramaturgy and Stylistic Features
Rong Yan. Implementation of National Heritage in Piano Music by Modern Chinese Composers
Pashkova T. V. Dramatic Expressiveness of the Language of Folk Character Dance in Classical Heritage Ballets
Nagornaya L. N. Aesthetics of Glitch Art: Origins and Meanings.
Makhan V. V. On the Existence of the Old Russian Domra
Sobkin V. S., Emelin G. D., Nikolaeva Z. G., Savchenko N. L., Yakolvleva M. A. On the Portrait of a Disabled Person in the Media
Sanko A. K. Evgeny Golubev and National Musical Cultures
Select month:
1 Quarter
2 Quarter
3 Quarter
4 Quarter
Borisenko T. S., Ignatova I. B. Artistic and Creative Activity of the Head of an Amateur Choreographic Team: from Concept to Implementation
Maroziene R. Sociocultural Aspect of Teaching to Play Lithuanian National Instruments
Yakoupov A. N. Music Communication: Ways of Reproduction and Channels of Perception of Music (historical and analytical view)
Funtova D. A. Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Culturological Dimension
Plyakhotko A. S., Akulich E. M. Library of a New Type as a Cultural Universal
Urvantseva O. A. Dialectics of the Interaction of Style and Content (on the example of music by composers of the XXth century)
Plotnikova O. M. Libretto of the Opera the Magic Flute by W. A. Mozart in the Genre of Fairy-Tale
Zheng Yan. Artistic Images of the Ballet the River Flows by Zuo Zhenguan
Kirillina O. M. Literary Bogemia in Russia and in the USSR. Revolution and Bohemia
Artamonova E. A. From Russia to the UK and Back Across the English Channel: Musical Discoveries from WWII and the Thaw (recent archival findings and publications)
Grutsynova A. P. French Ballet at the End of the XIXth Century (Javotte, 1896)
Irkhen I. I., Li Rui. Choreographic Borrowings as a Form of Promoting the Russian Ballet Tradition in China
Gasnikova O. V. Transformation of an Opera Performance into a Ballet (by Russian and West European choreographers).
Markov A. V. Italian Primitive and Critical Revival in Russian Modernism
Abdrashitova I. V., Peremyslov I. A. Poetic Statement as the Fixation of Human Existence
Khoroshavina V. B. Nikolai Sidelnikov’s Spiritual Works as a Reflection of the Philosophy of Culture
Wei Pengfei. Chinese Traditional Art — Quyi
Fomchenko E. V. Performance in Folk Culture
Sergeeva M. I. Сarvers of Gingerbread Boards: Traditions of the Past and the Present
Yegorova M. A., Rabina T. M. Methods of Musical and Rhythmic Education of Preschool Children with Visual Disabilities Based on Pedagogical System of Karl Orff
Saito Momo. Nikolai Medtner ― Professor of Moscow Conservatory
Kolbysheva S. I. Aesthetic and Art Education as a Sociocultural Phenomenon
Tarasova M. V., Kistova A. V., Pimenova N. N. Standarts of Artistic Culture in Higher Education: Practice of Developing Visual Thinking
Gabriyelyan T. O. Conceptual Model of Higher Educational Program on Communicative Design
Chang Xiaogeng. Development of Environmental Design in Russia and in China at the Present Stage
Varlamova T. P. Repertoire as the Prevailing Factor of the Contestant’s Psycho-Emotional State
Yakoupov A. N. Music Communication: Ways of Reproduction and Channels of Perception of Music (historical and analytical view)
Turlyun L. N., Stepanskaya A. G. Features of Functioning and Perception of Traditional Art in Virtual and Digital Environment
Samoilova N. K. Constant and Variable in the Style of a Russian Piano Quartet
Tereshchenko V. P. The Influence of S. I. Taneyev’s Stylistic Principles on Russian Choral Music of the XXth Century
Garipova N. F. To the Question of Sacred Meanings in N. Sabitov’s Piano Cycle “Seven Tunes”
Romashchuk I. M. “The Front”: Music for a Film as an Archival Document
Aleksandrova V. A. The Project of Staging “Khovanshchina” by M. P. Mussorgsky in B. V. Asafyev’s Orchestration
Mochalsky N. A. Artist Dmitry Mochalsky and His Works
Kirillina O. M. Literary Bohemia in the USSR. State and Underground
Zhang Kewu. Legacy of Xiao Youmei: Paths to European Music
Chistyakov R. V. “Brother Bunny” Opera for Children by Fattah: Genre and Composition Features
Podguzova O. A. S. Yakovenko and His Skills in the Context of the Interpretation of Y. Boutsko’s Mono-Opera “Diary of a Madman”
Stepanova M. A. Victor Ulyanich and His Ladozvonn Integrated Music-Theoretical System (portrait of the composer)
Kartseva С. A. Public Art in Educational and Research Environment
Sitnikova S. A. Ancient Sacral Meanings of Coniferous Tree (Spruce, Pine) in Tver Traditional Culture
Yeginbayeva T. Zh. Modern Performance on the Kazakh Kobyz
Alpatova A. S. Oligotonics and Chasmatonics in Traditional Songs of North American Indians (on the 145th anniversary of the birth of Natalie Curtis).
Kozlova T. V. Psychological Aspect of Synesthesia and Features of Synesthetic Perception of Deaf People
Dylkov A. G. On the Use of Some Cloud Services in Education
Grinko O. G. Time Challenge: Computer and Internet Technologies in Vocal Ensemble Training
Strizhak A. V., Kazakova N. U. The Method of Bionic Shaping in Teaching Bachelors of Industrial Design (experiment results).
Suvorova A. G. Practical Course Content of Russian Grammar for Chinese Students
Yakoupov A. N. Social and Musical Communication: Stages of Formation in Russia
Belyakova E. V. A New Aspect of Cultural Diffusion
Gorbunova M. B. Developing the Emotional Intelligence of Students in the Process of Musical Activity
Xing Xin. Tan Dun’s Violin Concerto “The Love” as a Reflection of Stylistic Diversity of Modern Composition
Gorshkova A. M. Piano Pieces of A. S. Arensky on the Example of the Cycle Op. 36
Akshentseva V. M. Dialogue and Its Manifestations in Instrumental Concerts of J. Haydn
Lebedev A. E., Voynova D. V. T. Leschetizky’s Piano Traditions and Their Refraction in the Activity of Saratov Conservatory Teachers
Platonova A. A. A. B. Goldenweiser’s Creative Principles
Krasnogorova O. A. The Sound of the “Golden age”: Problems in Performing English Virginal Art
Tsvetkova E. O. S. Prokofiev’s “Fleeting Moments”: Choreographic Interpretation of the Piano Masterpiece
Trifonova А. A. “Symphonic Etudes” by R. Schumann: History of Creation and the Problem of Interpreting “Posthumous Variations”
Vinokurova N. A., Tabachnikova O. M. The Role of Literature and Humanitarian Education in Socio-Economic Behaviour of Russian Youth
Kalitzky V. V. On the Social Status of Pianists-Concertm
Dolinskaya E. B. International Scientific and Practical Youth Forum
Wang Kaidi. Tang Jianping’s Opera “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”: History of Creation and Specifics of Musical Dramaturgy
Xia Tsihan. Rock Opera Genre and Its Outstanding Examples in the Musical Culture of the Last Third of the XXth Century
Podguzova O. A. Sergey Yakovenko: He Knew How to Embrace the Immensity
Ursegova N. A. Wedding Music and Poetry Folklore of the Russian Population of the Southern Urals
Murzaliyeva S. S. Kazakhstan’s Modern Mass Culture in the Context of Musical Revival Trends
Varlamova T. P. The Role of Fingering in Teaching Visually Impaired Students in the Domra Class
Yefremova N. I. Theoretical Foundations of Modern Music and Rhythmic Education
Kochekov V. F. Elementary Music in The Soviet Union: Prerequisites for Implementation in the Training and Educational Space
Yakoupov A. N. Social and Musical Communication: Stages of Formation in Russia
Chvanova T. P. Sound Recording, Audio Communications and Piano Performance: Evolution of Views
Vorozheykina V. А. Principle of Classification of Urban Wayfinding Objects
Murataev K. K., Krykbayeva S. M. Issues of Ethnocultural Traditions Development in Modern Artistic Practice
Chen Zekang. Symphony Concerto for Percussion and Orchestra “Sacred Fire 2008” by Tang Jianping: the Program and Its Instrumental Implementation
Plotnikova N. Yu. Four-Part Choral Concertos by Nikolay Diletsky: on the Way to Publication
Moskva Yu. V. Fragment of a Latin Manuscript from the Andrey Rublev Museum in Moscow
Merkulov А. М. Pre-Moscow Period in the Activities of P. A. Pabst (1854–1878)
Chen Xize. Store Permanently (from the Archive of The Moscow State Conservatory)
Zachinyaeva M. P. After Reading “Hamlet”: Three Views on a Masterpiece by W. Shakespeare
Yu Yang. “The Queen of Spades” by A. S. Pushkin — P. I. Tchaikovsky: to the Question of Cultural and Pseudo-Cultural Reinterpretation
Maytesian T. D. Some Style Features of Violin Works by N. K. Medtner
Terentyev S. S. Inside the Dante Worlds: Symbolic Space of Boris Tishchenko’s “Dante-Symphonies”. On the 755th Anniversary of the Birth of Dante Alighieri (1265–1321)
Krasnikova T. N. “Symphony of Sorrowful Songs” by H. Gorecki as a Cultural Memory Phenomenon
Limitovskaya A. V., Alexeeva I. V. Sound Image of a Cuckoo in Instrumental Music by Composers of the XVIIth – XIXth Centuries
Panova E. V. The Ballet “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by Cesare Pugni: Borrowings and Citations of Music Material
Ilinskaya N. I. Art Mediation in Russia and France: General and Differences
Dukov E. V. Night and Its Industries
Davlatzoda B. D. Tajik Chordophone Rubob: Genesis, Ergonomics
Sobkin V. S., Sobkina A. V., Lykova T. A. Inclusion and Attitude Towards Education of Art Students
Romashchuk I. M. Beethoven in the Mirror of Centuries
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