
Arts education and science. Requirements for articles by authors

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Publication Ethics
Requirements for articles of authors
Journal issues

ISSN 2410-6348 (print)
ISSN 2658-5251 (online)


In accordance with the policy of the editorial board of the Scientific journal "Art Education and Science", the Editorial and Publishing Department of the Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts (hereinafter - RIO RGSAI) provides the Author with the service of publishing an article (including reviewing and scientific editing) in the Scientific Journal "Art Education and Science" ... Sending your article to the RIO RGSAI for publication in the Scientific journal "Art Education and Science" Author undertakes to accept the following conditions for publication:

1. Rights and obligations

1.1. The author has the right to:

1.1.1. Receive information on the progress of preparing an article for publication.

1.2. The author is obliged:

1.2.1. Submit article materials in accordance with these requirements.

1.2.2. After the editorial board has made a positive decision to publish the article, pay for services in the amount specified in the order on the cost or issue a six-month subscription to the Scientific journal "Art Education and Science" (details for payment and the subscription index are posted below) and submit a confirmation document confirming payment for services or subscription to the RIO RGSAI email address:

1.2.3. To independently track information on the progress of preparing an article for publication by means of correspondence with RIO RGSAI by e-mail.

1.3. RIO RGSAI has the right:

1.3.1. Review the article.

1.3.2. Refuse to publish the article or make a decision to publish it after revision based on the received reviews.

1.3.3. Carry out scientific editing of the article without changing its fundamental provisions.

1.3.4. Place articles published in the journal on the official website of the journal on the Internet.

1.4. RIO RGSAI is obliged:

1.4.1. Submit to the Author's e-mail a positive decision to publish the article indicating the number of the journal or a reasoned refusal to publish the article.

2. Special conditions

2.1. These Publication Terms are a public offer. The author's acceptance is carried out by sending an article to be published to the RIO RGSAI.

2.2. The author guarantees to RIO RGSAI that the article for publication is submitted for the first time and earlier and (or) was not sent in parallel to other publishers, and also that the publication of the article in the Scientific journal "Art Education and Science" will not violate anyone's copyright or property rights transferred By the author of the article under the author's agreement in relation to the published article; the article contains all references to the cited authors and (or) publications provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as the results and facts used in the article, obtained by other authors and (or) organizations.

2.3. The author is warned that RIO RGSAI does not protect his rights in the field of intellectual activity in relation to the published article. The protection of intellectual rights in relation to the published article is carried out by the Author independently.

2.4. RIO RGSAI is not responsible for the content of published articles.

2.5. If the Author fails to fulfill his obligations to pay for services or to issue an annual subscription to the journal, the article sent for publication will not be returned to the Author, nor is it subject to use by RIO RGSAI.

2.6. No fee is paid to the author of the article.

3. Other conditions

3.1. Responsibility for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of these conditions is determined in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. All disputes arising in the course of the execution of these Terms must be considered by RIO RGSAI, the Author, in order to come up with a mutually acceptable solution. The presence of a dispute between RIO RGSAI and the Author is evidenced by the direction of a written claim. The term for considering the claim and responding to it is set equal to 30 (thirty) calendar days. The beginning of the calculation of the period is carried out from the day following the day of the actual receipt of the claim by the RIO RGSAI. The fact of receipt by RIO RGSAI of the claim must be confirmed in writing. If, as a result of compliance with the complaint procedure for the disputes that have arisen, mutual understanding is not found, then disputes and disagreements shall be resolved in court at the location of the RIO RGSAI in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.3. In all other respects that are not provided for by these Terms, the parties will be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Guide for Authors

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