
Municipal education: innovation and experiment

About the Journal
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Journal issues

ISSN 2306-8329

About the Journal

Municipal education: innovation and experiment

The journal of scientific and applied research “Municipal Education: Innovation and Experiment” is registered by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Press, Television and Mass Communications (Mass Media Registration Certificate PI No. FS77-28487 dated June 01, 2007).

The magazine has a contractual relationship with the OJSC Rospechat Agency (Agreement No. 7218 dated January 21.01.2008, 72415), the subscription index of the magazine according to the catalog of the OJSC Rospechat is XNUMX.

The journal has the international standard serial number for periodicals ISSN 2306-8329.

On the basis of a sublicense agreement with the Scientific Electronic Library No. 04-04/09-1 dated 04.04.2009/2008/2008, full-text materials of the journal have been posted in the RSCI database since 2012 and are available to subscribers on the Internet: a free full-text version of the peer-reviewed scientific publication is posted in RUNEB for 2013-2015. G. on the website; a paid full-text version of a peer-reviewed scientific publication is posted in RUNEB for XNUMX-XNUMX. on the website

The five-year impact factor of the RSCI is 0,792. Two-year impact factor of the RSCI - 1

The magazine “Municipal Education: Innovation and Experiment” is aimed at the administration of education departments, heads of educational organizations carrying out the processes of development and implementation of innovations in the field of education.

The journal has an editorial board that includes well-known Russian and foreign scientists and practitioners.

The magazine “Municipal Education: Innovation and Experiment” publishes the most significant scientific works and results of the activities of scientists and practitioners in a wide range of areas related to the development of education. Industry: pedagogical sciences - 13.00.00. Specialties: 13.00.01 - general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, 13.00.02 - theory and methodology of training and education (various subject areas), 13.00.08 - theory and methodology of vocational education.

The magazine has the following sections: “From theory to practice of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard”, “Innovative and research projects, programs, approaches”, “Innovations in educational institutions”, “Theory and methodology of vocational education”, “Education abroad” and others.

Reviewing of articles is carried out by leading experts in the relevant field of education in Russia and other countries who have published on the subject of the article being reviewed over the past three years.

On the pages of the site in Russian and English there is a list of the editorial board (indicating the academic degree, academic title, main place of work and position)

The editor-in-chief of the magazine, Alla Stepanovna Sidenko, is a candidate of pedagogical sciences, a professor at the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Professional Education and Industrial and Pedagogical Education.

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