
Municipal education: innovation and experiment. Editorial Policy

About the Journal
Editorial Council
Editorial policy
Journal issues

ISSN 2306-8329

The editorial policy of the journal “Municipal Education: Innovation and Experiment” establishes the goals, objectives, and nature of ethical behavior of all parties involved in the publication, namely: Authors, Journal Editors, Reviewers and the Publisher for the journal “Municipal Education: Innovation and Experiment.” The editorial policy of the journal is based on the traditional ethical principles of Russian scientific periodicals, supports the Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications, formulated by the Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications (Russia, Moscow) and is built taking into account the ethical standards of editors and publishers, enshrined in the Code of Conduct and best practice guidelines for journal editor (CodeofConductandBestPracticeGuidelinesforJournalEditors) and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers (CodeofConductforJournalPublishers), developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)..

One of the main points of the journal’s policy is the mandatory review of materials published in the publication. To optimize the selection process, all articles are first checked through the Antiplagiat system and only after that are sent for review. The editorial board of the journal reviews and edits all incoming manuscripts in accordance with the established review procedure.

Purpose of the magazine: To contribute to the establishment of Russia's leading world position in the field of pedagogical theory and practice.

Objectives of the magazine: attracting attention to the most relevant, promising and interesting areas of scientific research on the subject of the journal; ensuring the exchange of opinions between researchers from different regions of Russia and states; attracting authoritative domestic and foreign authors to the journal who are specialists of the highest level; providing scientists with the opportunity to publish the results of their research; achieving an international level of scientific publications; inclusion in international databases; creating an information field for scientists and practitioners in the field of innovative and experimental processes in the educational space.

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