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NAUKOGRAD: science, production, society. Magazine issues
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ISSN 2313-7533
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No. 4, Volume 4
Gordienko D.V. Protection of national economies during the implementation of the us indo-pacific strategy. Part 1. Assessment of the security of national economies within the framework of economic patronage of states participants of the indo-pacific partnership
Gordienko D.V. Protection of national economies during the implementation of the us indo-pacific strategy. Part 2. Assessment of the security of national economies within the framework of economic patronage of states participants of the indo-pacific partnership
Alibayev A., Mamatova G., Osmonova N. Introduction of modern mining technologies with minimal impact on the environment
Chkhutiashvili L.V., Chkhutiashvili N.V. Modern quality of affordable higher and secondary vocational education
Lebedev N.A. Government digital transformation in a view of fiscal federalism
Lukina E.M. Key aspects of Russia’s economic security in the conditions of the socio-economic crisis
Trofimova N.N. Analysis of key areas for assessing the readiness of enterprises for digital transformation
Molchanova R.V. Foresight: Variability of terminological approaches
Malieva I.A. Labor market: Classical and Keynesian approaches
Shlykova A.M. Hypothesis testing in statistics
Boronova K.R. The linguistic picture of the world as a reflection of the peculiarities of national and spiritual human activity
Gordienko D.V. Protection of national economies during the implementation of the us Indo-Pacific strategy. Part 3. Assessment of the security of national economies within the framework of the economic contest of the states – participants of the Indo-Pacific partnership
Chkhutiashvili L.V., Chkhutiashvili N.V. Big data in public administration in Russian Federation
Trofimova N.N. Key problems of human capital management in the context of digitalization
Kukos V.A. Statistical assessment of human and social capital
Trofimova N.N. The main problems of corporate governance in modern conditions
Bolataev D.M. Enterprise business plan
Rezbaev V.M. State debt: A temporary necessity or an allecting abyss?
Rukhmaleva A.E. Problems of venture financing of innovations in the economy of the Russian Federation
Akoeva S. V. The modern tax system of the russian federation: a comparative analysis
Nanieva O. S. The main trends in the development of public credit
Tsirikhova A. R. Features of the formation of accounting statements
Khubaeva I. O. The concept and main types of commercial bank policy
Bagautdinov A. R. Research of methods for predicting demand for goods and services using time series
Berestova P. A. Statistical analysis of latent crime
Magomedov A. M., Gusenkhanova M. H. The importance of the risk management system in the process of customs control
Bagautdinov A. R. Methods of compiling questionnaires and questionnaires in statistics: basic principles and approaches
Kudayberdiev A. K. The place of the judiciary of the Kyrgyz Republic in the system of separation of powers
Gogicheva I. S. The organization’s human resources and their formation
Batoev I. O. The level of financial awareness of young people as a factor in the economic development of Russia
Pitskhelauri S. G. Statistical analysis of the labor market in the North Caucasian Federal District
Rukhmaleva A. E., Kudryashova E. V. Entrepreneurship and innovative business development
Kosorukova I. S., Ripacheva A. A., Samoilichenko E. E. Digital ruble: implementation problems
Petukhova E. I. Methods of increasing the efficiency of land tax administration
Kuznetsov B. M. Ensuring information security in the RF and abroad: comparative analysis
Zhang Yunting. Characteristics and development of audit of natural resource assets in china
Panyushkina E. V., Afanasieva A. Yu. Greening trends in the economy of RZD (russian railways)
Malieva I. A. The latest technologies in the field of economics and business
Mishina A. A. Developments in information security: an overview of new trends and developments in the field of countering cybercrime
Musaeva M. T., Mikiychuk I. I. Environmental audit: problems and prospects
Shmonova E. D. Cybercrime as a major threat to digital security
Yang Minghua. Ethical issues and strategies for auditing using artificial intelligence (AI)
Zemlyakov A. E. Media competency and media competence in the modern network society
Nikolova K. G. Audit activity and use of modern technologies in audit: challenges and opportunities
Pavlenko P. A. Challenges and opportunities for the development of the integrated reporting audit
Bozieva A. Yu., Pliev D. B. Characteristics of correlation and regression analysis methods
Gusenkhanova M. G. The main goals and objectives of the analysis of production and sales of products
Serebryannikov I. V. Legal regulation of artificial intelligence
Slanova M. A. Manufacturing and economics
Tsakhilov A. E. Advantages and possibilities of electronic document management in the economy
Nigkoeva M. K. On the issue of application of personal income tax in the tax system of the Russian Federation
Bichikaeva L. V., Beteva A. A. Wages as an economic category
Bokoyev T. T. Intangible assets: concept, classification, assessment, recognition criteria
Dreev M. V. Improving wage and salary accounting in the context of using applied software products
Nanieva O. S. Analysis of the dynamics and structure of domestic public debt
Guldaeva A. A. Agroindustrial complex of Russia: problems and prospects of development
Kuznetsov E. A. State support for innovative and investment development of the agroindustrial complex of the Russian Federation
Molchanova R. V. Innovations in transport education: development and implementation of educational programs to solve modern transport problems and increase competitiveness
Bichikaeva L. V., Beteeva A. A. Capital productivity as a factor in the efficient use of fixed production assets of an enterprise
Gagloev S. Sh., Gazdanova D. A. Analysis of the organization’s income and expenses
Kalukhova V. F. Methods of determining and forming the production potential of an enterprise
Mindzaev A. S. An innovative model for managing the organization’s workforce
Belyasova D. S. Profiling as a tool in audit: from theory to practice
Vindizheva B. Ch. Use of artificial intelligence in the financial sphere of the Russian Federation: current status and development prospects
Zhazhieva L. V. Digital transformation of the financial market
Belyasova D. S. Education and labor market
Ignatiev A. M. Prospects for centralized planning and implementation of public procurement in the Russian Federation
Molchanova R. V. Innovations in transport education: development and implementation of educational programs to solve modern transport problems and increase competitiveness
Yakubova S. S. Digital veterinary in modern conditions: analysis of status and prospects
Molchanova S. M. Strategic directions of state policy in the field of scientific and technological development: achievements, challenges and prospects
Karpova P. Y. The role of business communities in the life of a novice specialist and practicing lawyers
Pitskhelauri S. G., Cherdzhieva D. V. Models of economic growth using the human capital factor
Tchaikovsky A. A. What prevents the creation and strengthening of public recognition of a lawyer?
Yakubov N. S. The main properties of a court decision in civil and arbitration proceedings
Karpova P. Y. Modern investments: why do people resort to alternative investment methods?
Sklyarov A. E. On the risks of high-tech enterprises in russia in the context of an increase in the key rate
Asranova K. B. Features of the development of financing of the innovation sector in the Kyrgyz Republic
Akbuyukov M. M., Mambetalieva A. B. Lingvopragmatic aspects of the speech act of “Congratulation” in kyrgyz, hemshil and english languages
Gusev R. E. Opportunities and directions of digitalization of medium and small businesses in the regions
Zakalistova N. S. Digital transformation of staff adaptation in russian organizations
Nadezhdin V. S., Kordonov E. V. Transport and logistics systems of Russia: current state and development trends
Kudayberdiev A. K. The place of the judiciary of the Kyrgyz Republic in the system of separation of powers
Mamazhanova A. T. Ways and methods of minimizing production risks of agricultural enterprises in the Kyrgyz Republic
Omurzakov S. A., Tagaeva B. A. Analysis of the current state of agricultural development in the Jalal-Abad region of the Kyrgyz Republic: problems and solutions
Yakubova S. S. Legal support of veterinary activities in the field of animal husbandry in the Russian Federation
Nadezhdin V. S., Kordonov E. V. The current state of the systems contributing to the management of air cargo transportation
Rezbayev V. M. Stages of brics formation: mutually beneficial cooperation, new development bank, own currency R5, BRICS Pay payment system
Zheenbekova B. Zh., Chonoeva N. The study of agricultural techniques for growing strawberries
Adambayev Z.r I., Kilichev I. A., Khudoiberganov N. Yu., Niyazmetov M. R., Pazylova A. Chronic cerebral ischemia: clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment (to help practitioners)
Sherkulov R. R. GPS to help optimization and automation the agricultural industry
Klochkova E. V., Bandurka D. P. Youth’s view of voluntary health insurance
Belova S. D. Ethical and legal aspects of regulation of internet advertising in the russian federation
Bayakhunova L. B. V. A. Malyshev’s book “Chains of qualitative complexity”
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№ 4
No. 4, Volume 2
Asranova K.B. Features of the development of financing of the innovation sector in the Kyrgyz Republic
Gordienko D.V. Realization of the commodity potential of import substitution of machinery and instrument products, electronic and other industrial products in the economy of the Russian Federation. Part 1. Assessment of the commodity potential for import substitution of machine-machine-making, instrument-making and electronic products
Trofimova N.N. Interrelation of smart production system, ecosystem and environment
Miftakhov A.R. The essence and significance of national (federal) projects in modern Russia
Biymyrsaeva E.M., Arzybayeva J.A. The methodology of the indicative approach to assessing the development of regional socio-economic systems of Kyrgyzstan
Gordienko D.V. Realization of the commodity potential of import substitution of machinery and instrument products, electronic and other industrial products in the economy of the Russian Federation. Part 2. Assessment of the commodity potential of import substitution of products of transport machinery and other industrial products
Trofimova N.N. Key advantages and prospects of digital education in modern conditions
Potapova E.P., Savelyev I.I. Research of the opinion of full-time students about the preferred forms of teaching in modern conditions: Clarification of methodological efforts is possible
Mamazhanova A.T. Ways and methods of minimizing production risks of agricultural enterprises in the Kyrgyz Republic
Rudakova L.V. The concept of strategic management of the organization’s innovation activities
Yarlykapov A.B. Intersectoral balance as a planning tool in the economy
Gordienko D.V. Realization of the commodity potential of import substitution of machinery and instrument products, electronic and other industrial products in the economy of the Russian Federation. Part 3. Assessment of the possibilities of the People’s Republic of China to realize the commodity potential of import substitution of machine-machine-making, instrument-making and electronic products in the economy of the Russian Federation
Kuznetsov E.A. State support for innovative and investment development of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation
Trofimova N.N. Digital transformation: Analysis of modern research
Trofimova N.N. Critical aspects of the digital transformation of modern enterprises
Demin M. I. A new format of using solar panels as a step towards the energy-efficient future of Russian cities
Timofeeva E. E. Problems of housing construction in the context of sustainable development of urbanized regions
Oparina L. A., Goida P. V. Digital transformation of housing and communal services as an element of management of the regional real estate
Snitko A. V. Industrial tourism as a direction of development of socio-economic potential of historical industrial cities
Beliaeva A., Kazimirov D., Musaeva A., Saveliev I. I. The Impact of Sanctions on Higher Education in Russia
Gordienko D. V. Realization of the commodity potential of import substitution of machinery and instrument products, electronic and other industrial products in the economy of the russian federation. Part 4. Assessment of the possibilities of the People’s Republic of China to realize the commodity potential of import substitution of transport machinery and other industrial products in the economy of the Russian Federation
Brusova M. M. The state of the federal budget debt: problems and solutions
Kalachyan M. V. Sources of legal regulation of tax control
Zudin B. A. Development of technological hubs in Russia as a means of attracting international IT talents
Korduban E. A. State support for medical tourism: the experience of foreign countries
Vahitova R. Z. Assistance in the employment of employees in the conditions of bankruptcy of an enterprise: the role of the state
Kuznetsov M. Yu. Corporate grants as a support mechanism for young researchers
Malinovich E. V. The digitalization of society: transforming research perspectives
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№ 4
Maximenk E. V. Evolution of modern interactions between police and non-profit non-governmental organizations
Nadezhina N. N. Diversity of modern family structures and opportunities for forming relationships
Amonova D. S. Ananchenkova p. I. Labor longevity and employment of workers of older age groups: socio-cultural aspect
Ananchenkova P. I. Corporate programs to stimulate the labor activity of employees of older age groups: from flexible employment to skills training
Omurzakov S. A., Turdubaeva G. A. On the prospects for the development of the entrepreneurship management system in small and medium-sized businesses in the context of market transformations in the kyrgyz republic
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