
NAUKOGRAD: science, production, society. Magazine issues

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ISSN 2313-7533


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Bozieva A. Yu., Pliev D. B. Characteristics of correlation and regression analysis methods Gusenkhanova M. G. The main goals and objectives of the analysis of production and sales of products Serebryannikov I. V. Legal regulation of artificial intelligence Slanova M. A. Manufacturing and economics Tsakhilov A. E. Advantages and possibilities of electronic document management in the economy Nigkoeva M. K. On the issue of application of personal income tax in the tax system of the Russian Federation Bichikaeva L. V., Beteva A. A. Wages as an economic category Bokoyev T. T. Intangible assets: concept, classification, assessment, recognition criteria Dreev M. V. Improving wage and salary accounting in the context of using applied software products Nanieva O. S. Analysis of the dynamics and structure of domestic public debt Guldaeva A. A. Agroindustrial complex of Russia: problems and prospects of development Kuznetsov E. A. State support for innovative and investment development of the agroindustrial complex of the Russian Federation Molchanova R. V. Innovations in transport education: development and implementation of educational programs to solve modern transport problems and increase competitiveness Bichikaeva L. V., Beteeva A. A. Capital productivity as a factor in the efficient use of fixed production assets of an enterprise Gagloev S. Sh., Gazdanova D. A. Analysis of the organization’s income and expenses Kalukhova V. F. Methods of determining and forming the production potential of an enterprise Mindzaev A. S. An innovative model for managing the organization’s workforce
Karpova P. Y. The role of business communities in the life of a novice specialist and practicing lawyers Pitskhelauri S. G., Cherdzhieva D. V. Models of economic growth using the human capital factor Tchaikovsky A. A. What prevents the creation and strengthening of public recognition of a lawyer? Yakubov N. S. The main properties of a court decision in civil and arbitration proceedings Karpova P. Y. Modern investments: why do people resort to alternative investment methods? Sklyarov A. E. On the risks of high-tech enterprises in russia in the context of an increase in the key rate Asranova K. B. Features of the development of financing of the innovation sector in the Kyrgyz Republic Akbuyukov M. M., Mambetalieva A. B. Lingvopragmatic aspects of the speech act of “Congratulation” in kyrgyz, hemshil and english languages Gusev R. E. Opportunities and directions of digitalization of medium and small businesses in the regions Zakalistova N. S. Digital transformation of staff adaptation in russian organizations Nadezhdin V. S., Kordonov E. V. Transport and logistics systems of Russia: current state and development trends Kudayberdiev A. K. The place of the judiciary of the Kyrgyz Republic in the system of separation of powers Mamazhanova A. T. Ways and methods of minimizing production risks of agricultural enterprises in the Kyrgyz Republic Omurzakov S. A., Tagaeva B. A. Analysis of the current state of agricultural development in the Jalal-Abad region of the Kyrgyz Republic: problems and solutions Yakubova S. S. Legal support of veterinary activities in the field of animal husbandry in the Russian Federation Nadezhdin V. S., Kordonov E. V. The current state of the systems contributing to the management of air cargo transportation
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