ISSN 2073-9621
Vestnik Akademii is a scientific journal published by the Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship since 2002 for the publication of scientific articles and news reports on the issues of the regional economy, the development of the service sector, the state of entrepreneurial activity, problems of law and management practice.
The publication of the results of scientific research in the journal "Bulletin of the Academy" is envisaged in the following scientific areas:
- Theory, methodology and methods of regional studies.
- The territorial structure of the economy of Russia and other countries, the dynamics of the structure.
- Regional economy, interregional interactions.
- Regional economic policy.
- Development of methodology and theory of entrepreneurship; development of methods for organizing entrepreneurial activity in various forms of entrepreneurship.
- Methodology, theory of ensuring the competitiveness of entrepreneurial structures.
- Forms of modern competition and their impact on the content of entrepreneurial activity.
- Technology of the development process and management decision-making in business structures.
- Patterns and trends in the development of modern entrepreneurship.
- Forecasting structural changes in the development of entrepreneurship in the context of globalization of the world market
- Ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises in the service sector.
- Improving the organization, management in the service sector in a market environment.
- The mechanism of anti-crisis management in the service sector.
The journal "Vestnik Akademii" was assigned ISSN 2073-9621.
The journal is registered with the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Press, TV and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Media (registration certificate PI No. 1-00633 dated 15.03.2002).
The journal "Bulletin of the Academy" is included in the subscription catalog "Newspapers. Magazines "of OJSC Agency" Rospechat "(subscription index 80913).
The journal is published 4 times a year.
The journal "Vestnik Akademii" is included by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications recommended for publishing the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences.
The journal "Vestnik Akademii" is included in the Russian Citation Index and is publicly available on the platform of the Scientific Electronic Library E-library for registered users (sublicense agreement No. 17-12 / 08).